Villains (Adrien)

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Many things had happened to Adrien over the course of his life. He'd been a superhero, his father had been his arch nemesis, he'd been Chris Hemsworth's butt...however, he'd never been run out on, by anyone other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

"Well, that could have gone better," Plagg snorted, throwing a triangle of cheese in the air and swallowing it whole.

"I know she doesn't like me that way, but to run out on me without taking anything with her? I'm just a little...confused."

Tikki circled around him, after watching out the window. "She's running towards the river. How far do you think she'll go before noticing she hasn't got me or her phone?"

Adrien shrugged, perplexed by, well...everything. "She didn't listen to a word I said, did she?"

Plagg shook his head. "Couldn't have. I thought she would have threatened you, or called you a stupid cat or something. This was most definitely different."

"Should I go after her?"

Tikki looked between them and the window, and back again. "Maybe? I suppose it wouldn't do any harm if you did."

With a sigh, Adrien grabbed her bag from where she'd left it dumped on his sofa, and opened it, allowing both kwamis to make their way in. Speedily heading to the staircase and making his way down, he checked inside Marinette's bag, making sure Plagg and Tikki were okay and her phone was in there. Her phone which once again was lighting up more than a Disney firework display.

"Should I transform?" he asked, pulling his baseball cap down a little further and praying he could get to her without the continued chaos of what had happened at the university.

"It might save some time," Tikki agreed.

"Where do you think she's going?" Plagg asked curiously.

Adrien turned into an alleyway and let the kwamis out of the bag. "Where she always goes in times of crisis. To the Liberty."

Finding his conversation with Luka on his phone, Adrien sent a quick message asking his friend a couple of favours, before pocketing his device and calling his transformation. He'd give her a few minutes to process what she thought he'd said before finding her and making sure she knew the truth.

The theory of the boat was correct and he found her in no time at all, looking out on their city. The sun was framing her face and making her look like a Greek Goddess, the structure of her face lighting up perfectly under the rays of sunshine, and her hair glowing with that anime tinge of blue he adored. Dropping down into a nearby alley, he called off his transformation and gave the two kwamis a nod. With Marinette's bag in hand, he was ready to confront the situation and get his Lady back...even if he had to grovel.

Ready to do what he needed to do, Adrien jogged across the road and up the steps to the bridge, and there she was. Beauty defined! But this time, she wasn't alone, and from the stance she had taken, she was on the defence. Whoever those people were, they definitely weren't friends.

"Ah, young Agreste," a voice startled him as he made his way up the metal framed staircase. "It's been a while. I see you have finally found your perfect flavour."

Adrien smiled at André, turning from Marinette to the man with the magical treats. "That I have!"

André laughed, picking up his scoop and starting to put the mixture of their flavours together — interestingly enough, there were two extra scoops this time – Ladybug and Chat Noir.

The big guy winked at Adrien before thrusting the ice cream out to him. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!"

Adrien smiled and took the ice cream from his hands. "And what secret would that be?" He pulled his phone from his pocket and held it by the pay machine, clicking the button and allowing it to do its thing.

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