Love Notes (Marinette)

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Nothing welcomed a new day in Paris like the bright spring sunshine blinding you because you forgot to shut your blinds, or the birds tweeting their songs merrily like a Black+Decker drill hammering against your skull. But most of all, nothing said good morning in Paris like the stinking hangover from one too many wines the night before.

Marinette groaned, rolling over in her bed, using the pillow to cover her head. Whoever had nominated her the centre of attention last night was going to pay for it, because right now she wasn't ever moving again for the rest of her life.

She attempted to consider her options for the day, her preference being to find a new bunch of heroes because all of her friends were stinking liars!

Just one more, Marinette!

We're celebrating, Marinette!

We'll go home soon, Marinette!

Liars! The whole lot of them were dirty liars, and they were goddamn lucky she hadn't blacked out! Worst of all, they'd taken her phone off her. As soon as the clock had struck midnight, Alya had swiped her phone from her bag and refused to give it back.

So, she was hungover, pissed off and lacking her phone. What would happen next?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Pulling the pillow tighter over her head, she ignored the sounds of someone wanting to enter her room. She couldn't be bothered with this right now. If it was her parents, they could wait, and if it was Adrien he'd just find another way to enter — like blowing up the side of her room.

She could help but wonder where he'd gotten to the previous night. She'd wanted nothing more than anything to spend the night with him...all curled up and cosy in his arms, his soft snores, his soft hair...his big, macho man hands on her body.

Now, she was awake...and agitated.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Come in!" she shouted painfully down the staircase. She swore if it was one of her friends, her pinboard was about to fly down and give Flat Stanley a new friend.

The creek of the door was the same as someone grabbing her brain and squeezing it like a sponge. Oh, man! She needed to stop folding at peer pressure.

"Morning, sweetheart." The soft tones of her mother's voice soothed over the obnoxious pain in her head.

"Thank god you didn't put a 'good' in front of 'morning'."

She heard her mother's laugh as she climbed up the ladder and looked over the top. "Oh dear!"

Marinette rolled her eyes and reached to the side of her bed, grabbing her robe. "Thanks, Maman, you really know how to make me feel special."

"I have pancakes and chocolate milk waiting for you, if you want."

Scrambling onto her knees, Marinette leaned over to kiss her maman on the cheek, only for the woman to lean back with scrunched up features.

"That's after you've brushed your teeth and had a shower."

"Again, thank you for making me feel good about myself. My self-confidence is at an all-time high."

Marinette struggled, moving around on her bed before lowering herself down the ladder with only a couple of wobbles. Her feet touched down - one, then the other - before a glass of water and painkillers were thrust into her face.

"Take these."

She didn't even query it. Instead, she thrust the two tablets into her mouth and swallowed them down with a rather hefty swig of water. "Thanks."

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