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The people of Balan, witnesses to this heinous act, were frozen in disbelief and shock. The shock and horror were evident on their faces, their eyes expressing profound dismay at the tragedy that had unfolded before them. They were torn between anger and sadness, unable to find the words to express their outrage at such an act of cruelty.

Some murmured silent prayers, seeking solace in spirituality in the face of the horror of the situation. Others looked at each other, seeking mutual support in their incomprehension of this unthinkable atrocity. In this emotionally charged atmosphere, the heavy silence was broken only by stifled sobs and murmurs of despair, as the community of Balan gathered in solidarity in the face of the unspeakable.

Some wept while others tried to find words of comfort when suddenly, Henry, filled with overwhelming emotion, began to sing his daughter's lullaby. His voice trembled slightly, filled with infinite tenderness and profound sadness, but also with unconditional love that transcends the pain of loss.
- Anna, sleep my daughter! Here's mommy, here's daddy, the flower crowns of your life ! he sang in a trembling voice, mixing tenderness and despair in his words as he tried to comfort his daughter, wherever she may be.

The soft and melodious words of the lullaby enveloped the gathering in a cocoon of comfort and nostalgia, bringing some sweetness into the darkness of the tragedy surrounding them. Some timidly joined in the song, their voices broken by sobs but united in their tribute to the lost young girl. In this moment of communion, music became a balm for wounded souls, offering a semblance of peace and solace in the ordeal of loss.

With his eyes still closed, Henry was plunged into a dark nightmare, haunted by the heartbreaking images of his daughter floating in the dark waters of the Fague River. The pain of loss consumed him, his mind tormented by intense emotions as he struggled to escape this terrifying vision.

But suddenly, the cheerful shouts of children playing in the Fague River brought him back to reality. The joyful sound of their voices echoed in the air, dispersing the darkness of his nightmare and bringing him back to the light of day. Henry slowly opened his eyes, his breath quickening as he became aware of his familiar surroundings.

The date - October 4, 1962 - suddenly seemed significant to him, reminding him of the painful memory of that cursed day when his life had changed. Shaken by emotion, Henry slowly rose on the steep banks of the gentle shores of the river. A glimmer of determination shone in his eyes as he prepared to face a new day, carrying with him the burden of his past while seeking to find peace in the present.

In a daze, his eyes still filled with the remnants of his nightmare, Henry realized that some villagers were looking at him intriguingly, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. Their attention seemed to weigh on him, as if they had perceived his inner turmoil and were awaiting an explanation.

He suddenly felt exposed, his emotions raw before these scrutinizing gazes. Henry took a deep breath to compose himself, trying to conceal his turmoil as best as he could, but the impact of the nightmare was still too fresh in his mind to be completely erased.
- Did I let out a loud scream in my sleep ? he wondered without losing sight of his surroundings. His mind still clouded, he sought to unravel the boundary between dream and reality, while the echoes of his thoughts resonated in the darkness of the night.

Suddenly, he remembered the reason for his presence on the banks of the Fague River. On October 4, 1970, eight years later, Henry was there, like every previous year, to commemorate the eighth anniversary of his daughter Anna's death. His heart was heavy with grief as he stood on the edge of the river where he had laid to rest the body of his beloved daughter, surrounded by painful memories and eternal regrets.

The emotions were still vivid in his mind as he recalled every detail of that tragic day, feeling once again the pain of loss as if it were yesterday. Despite the lingering suffering, Henry was there, faithful to his duty as a father and guardian of his daughter's memory, honoring her life and legacy of love.  

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