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In this night, Henry wandered, a bottle of clairin between his fingers, letting his thoughts flow freely. In the darkness, he sought to find a balance between his tumultuous emotions and the clarity of mind he needed to make important decisions.

The nightmare persisted, depriving Henry of sleep for over a week, leaving his door open to insomnia. Every night, he found himself trapped in a cycle of tormented thoughts and painful memories, unable to find the rest he desperately needed.

Henry rarely managed to close his eyes for two or three consecutive hours, even occasionally. Insomnia clung to him like a persistent shadow, leaving him exhausted and desperate for respite. Otherwise, he had to resign himself to spending a sleepless night, similar to the one he had just endured. This prospect was discouraging, but he had little choice but to accept the reality of his condition and continue to struggle against his insomnia.

Exhausted, Henry felt helpless in the face of it all. The accumulated fatigue heightened his sense of vulnerability, and he wondered how he could overcome this ordeal that seemed insurmountable. Taking a life to save another did not align with his life philosophy. Henry was deeply committed to his moral and ethical values, and he refused to compromise his principles, even in the most difficult times.

Furthermore, he could not fathom sacrificing anyone, as he considered his neighbors as full-fledged family members. Their well-being and safety were as important to him as those of his own kin, and he was willing to do whatever it took to protect them, even at the cost of his own suffering. Henry wondered if such a sacrifice would truly be worth it. He weighed his options carefully, seeking to understand the consequences of his potential actions and evaluating whether they would truly provide a solution to his problems.

Henry realized he had no guarantee that it would work. Despite his doubts and uncertainties, he knew he had to make a decision and act cautiously, taking into account both his own convictions and the risks involved.

What steps to follow ? What to do if faced with an unfortunate situation? Could he hold out until the end, seeing his daughter's corpse after eight years of separation? Would Anna still be the same? What will be the aftermath of this whole story? What are the prices to pay after such a sacrifice ?

The unanswered questions swirling in Henry's mind weighed heavily on his shoulders, adding to his emotional burden. He felt overwhelmed by uncertainty and confusion, desperately seeking answers to his concerns but feeling paralyzed by the lack of clarity.

It was around 3 a.m., Henry was exhausted by the whole situation. Emotional and physical fatigue was beginning to take its toll on him, making every decision and action harder to undertake. He longed for a moment of calm and rest, away from the turmoil that tormented his mind. On the other hand, he knew that this mix of insomnia and alcohol was detrimental to his health and emotional stability. He understood the importance of taking care of himself, even in the most challenging times, and he was determined to find healthier ways to cope with his challenges.

Some mocked him, while others looked at him with compassion, feeling pity for him. Henry was aware of the looks and words of others, but he focused on his own resilience and determination to overcome his difficulties, no matter what others thought of him.

Henry realized he was becoming merely a shadow of himself and was at risk of becoming the laughingstock of the Balan community. This realization prompted him to reassess his choices and seek more constructive ways to cope with his difficulties, in order to regain his dignity and self-esteem.

He understood that nobody could truly comprehend the extent of everything happening to him, as his struggles and emotions were unique to himself. Indeed, the dilemma of sacrificing one life to save another is an uncommon and peculiar situation, raising complex ethical and moral questions rarely encountered by men. Henry wondered if there was a particular reason why little Rose had chosen him to entrust such a treasure, adding to the complexity of the situation.

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