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Two weeks after losing his job, Henry Lemoine found himself doing the most menial and unpleasant tasks to make ends meet. The walls of his house echoed with memories of his daughter Anna, tormenting Henry at every moment.
Grief made him uneasy, the weights of sadness constantly weighing him down. Henry gradually lost his smile and his former zest for life, sinking into harmful habits. Alcohol and tobacco became his constant companions, an escape in his darkest moments. His life seemed shrouded in a dark mist as he struggled to make sense of overwhelming pain.

Moreover, his neighbors seemed increasingly concerned, closely monitoring his actions and not hesitating to reprimand him when he made a mistake. Social stigma added to Henry's already crushing emotional burden, exacerbating his isolation and distress, leaving him feeling even more marginalized and misunderstood.
After a binge, Henry became unpleasant and even aggressive, lashing out even at flies that came too close to him. Lying on his bed, he felt no desire to bathe or engage in his daily activities, overwhelmed by a sense of apathy and despair.

He glanced briefly around his room, which resembled more of a dump than a living space, reflecting his chaotic and neglected inner state. Signs of neglect and decadence accumulated around him, bearing witness to his tormented state of mind and descent into darkness.

It seemed like Henry was waking up from a nightmare as he looked around until his eyes fell upon the small wooden box that little Rose had given him. He had tried repeatedly to open the box to uncover its contents, but in vain, his trembling fingers unable to find a way to release the mystery locked inside.

This small, ancient, solid wooden box had a rustic and weathered look, with visible knots, and a dark brown color. Its corners were reinforced with rivets, and its lid adorned with oxidized metal hinges.
Henry shook it lightly and heard a faint sound, sparking a glimmer of hope in his tormented heart. His gestures filled with curiosity and a renewed interest fueled his burning desire to discover what lay within.

His eyes widened, shining with wonder like a child discovering a new toy, while his heart raced with excitement at this long-awaited moment. A mix of excitement and anticipation filled his thoughts as he prepared to uncover the contents of the box, whose mystery had long fueled his curiosity.

With his trembling index finger, Henry pushed the open space. The interior of the box was lined with fabric, showing signs of its history. He glimpsed a carefully rolled-up piece of paper, further fueling his intrigue. Then, a black and silver dagger, adorned with a gemstone embedded in its hilt, glinting in the candlelight. Its handle, finely carved, seemed imbued with a mysterious aura, while the blade sparkled with a latent threat, ready to be deployed at any moment.

With caution, Henry placed the dagger and the small wooden box beside him on the bed, granting them a place of honor, in order to better handle the rolled-up piece of paper, adorned with a metal wax seal ring, and uncover its contents. Wrapped in time-yellowed parchment, bearing traces of folds and wear. The cracked wax was carefully applied to seal the precious contents. Impressions of seals were visible on the wax, testifying to its authenticity and historical origin.

After freezing for a few seconds, Henry opened the bedside table drawer and grabbed a knife, his heart pounding at the thought of unraveling the mystery unfolding before him. He hesitated to use the dagger found in the box and carefully incised the blade under the metal wax seal, excitement building within him as he prepared to unveil the contents of this mysterious message.

With little difficulty, he eventually removed the metallic seal that remained attached to one end of the sheet, thus revealing the hidden message inside. Then, with caution, he unrolled the large sheet, revealing lines of text written with dark and precise ink, immediately capturing his attention.

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