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Henry pressed his wrist against his face, frantically scrutinizing the hands of his watch in the darkness of the night. The faint light from the dials barely illuminated his tense features as he realized the imminence of his lateness. Henry's watch precisely indicated midnight, his silhouette faintly outlined in the night's darkness. The regular ticking of his watch seemed to be the only sound in the nocturnal silence, marking the beginning of a new day with unwavering precision.

Henry tightly gripped the small leaf containing the ritual between his fingers, his eyes fixed on the black moon dominating the dark sky. A determined glimmer shone in his eyes as he began to recite the incantation, his voice filled with concentration and power, while the mystery of the night seemed to intensify around him.

The lights, bright and intense, traced a winding line across the darkened sky, defying the atmospheric turbulences that should have dissipated them. Their persistent glow captivated Henry's attention, giving the impression that something extraordinary was happening in the mysterious heights of the atmosphere.

Undeterred by the celestial movements, Henry continued his incantation with unwavering resolve. His voice resonated in the darkness, blending the strength of his will with the ancestral magic contained in the words of the ritual. Despite the tumultuous stirrings above him, he remained focused, his determination to achieve his goal unwavering.

Suddenly, a blazing light burst forth, searing, and engraved itself deep into Henry's eyes. His gaze, once fixed on the turbulent skies, was overwhelmed by this dazzling manifestation, plunging him into a whirlwind of intense and indescribable sensations.

Bewildered, Henry attempted to shield his eyes with his right hand, but a violent wind, akin to a tornado, struck him head-on, unbalancing him and hurling him backward. His body staggered under the power of the sudden storm, struggling to maintain his position as the elements seemed to rage around him.

Despite his efforts to steady himself by firmly planting both feet on the ground, Henry found no strength to keep himself standing. Suddenly, a brutal blow struck the back of his head, causing him to stagger and fall into a disorienting whirl, while darkness threatened to engulf him completely.

Lost in absolute darkness, Henry felt an oppressive presence that seemed to encircle him, yet he was unable to react. A chilling paralysis seized his body, freezing each of his limbs, while his mouth filled with water, stifling his silent cries in oppressive silence. An aura of terror enveloped his mind as he struggled against the darkness that threatened to consume him entirely.

Despite the inability to open his eyelids, Henry felt a sinister presence weighing upon him, an oppressive shadow that seemed to dangerously draw near. A hot breath, charged with menace, brushed against his face, sending shivers down every fiber of his being in the stifling darkness. A wave of terror rose within him as he confronted the enigma of this invisible presence that seemed to stalk him in the shadows.

The slight breeze that enveloped him stole his breath, and Henry struggled to regain a regular breath in the stifling atmosphere surrounding him. Each inhalation was a challenge, each exhalation an effort, as he fought to overcome the oppression weighing upon him, desperately seeking an escape from the oppressive embrace threatening to overwhelm him.

In a final effort of resistance, Henry fought with all his might against the darkness surrounding him, and suddenly, a glimmer of consciousness illuminated his mind. Before him, in the oppressive darkness, he clearly saw two bodies lying within the pentagrams drawn on the floor.

Henry, his mind engulfed in confusion and terror, quickly scanned his surroundings, unable to believe what he saw. He then spotted his own lifeless body, sprawled on the ground outside the circle of candles, his pale and lifeless features reflecting the horror of the situation. A sense of despair and disbelief washed over him as he became aware of the extent of the dark magic at work, trapping him in a nightmare from which he knew not how to escape.

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