Morning Princess

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\\\ Victoria \\\

My eyes flutter open, meeting a pair of closed eyes. We woke up facing each other instead of having our backs to on another. His face is smushed against his pillow, eyes closed comfortably and his hair in a curly mess around his head, which shines in the sunlight that slips through the windows.

His chest rises and falls steadily. He looks so peaceful and almost adorable. If you see him like this you could not imagine this boy would have done anything wrong in his lifetime.

He moves a little and a stray of hair falls in front of his eyes. I slowly push it out of his face, making sure not to touch his skin so he doesn't feel my touch.

Suddenly he breathes in deeply, in embarrassment of him catching my staring I quickly close my eyes before he opens his.

I hear him stretching, and yawning. Imitating him, I stretch my arms above my head and blink my eyes open. He is already looking at me, all drowsy. "Good morning princess." He murmurs with a raspy voice that makes me warm throughout my body.

I feel the heat in my face betraying me. "Morning." When I can't handle his indringing green eyes anymore, I jump out of bed. Too quickly for my own good.

Black spots start clouding my vision, I clutch the bedposts as I feel myself waver on my feet. Through some of the spots I see Nicholas, the ringing in my ears drowns his words out. The more blackness fills my vision, the less strength my knees have and it doesn't take long before they buckle. He is quick to grab me under my arms, then guides me to sit down on the bed while he stands at my feet.

"Are you alright?" His concern was clearly evident. He put his hands on me shoulders and rubbed circles with his thumbs on my skin to console me, that on top of him looking down at me with so much worry made me feel things in my stomach. Things I would never admit out loud.

"I-I am fine, thank you." I stuttered, lost in his eyes.

"Good." He sighed. It was as if I were enchanted by his stare, I could not seem to break it but neither could he. "You scared me." He whispered quietly, yet I was close enough to hear it.

His words baffled me. I knew I made him feel things, however I assumed it was only anger and annoyance. "I did?" I softly ask the rhetorical question.

He hums in affirmation. The way he is still stroking my shoulders makes it almost impossible to converse for me. Nothing is said, the silence lingers as the tingles in my stomach keep inclining.

He looks down at my lips and back up at my eyes again.

"Oh to hell with it." I say as I desperately grab his neck and pull him towards me. His lips find mine hungrily, it's then that I realise how much I have been craving this since the last time.

I fall back on the mattress, he moves me further towards the middle, then crawls between my legs.

My nightgown is bunched at my hips by now while he starts kissing my neck, and I pull his hair in want. He places a kiss right at the hook of my jaw and I can't help my eyes from rolling to the back of my head. "Nicholas." I moan.

He meets my lips again and I bite his bottom lip, he groans in response.

He once again leaves sloppy kisses across my jaw, then my neck, then my collar bones. His kisses trail lower and lower along my body.

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