2.Our pasts dont control Our futures

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I KEPT AN EYE OUT for Caroline as Bonnie, Elena and I were walking, passing out program/leaflets about the Comet to people who are probably gonna throw them in the trash before even reading the first page. I fold one of the leaflets in my hand and put one in my jacket pocket, I think this whole comet thingy is pretty cool especially the fact the people of Mystic Falls can see it in its full glory. And that it only happens once every 150 years, so it's a story to tell our children.

"He didn't call, huh?" Bonnie asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

"or text." Elena adds with a sigh, "then I realised that we never even exchanged. We never got to the texting part. Wait, what? They talked for hours and didn't even share each others numbers.

"That's an important milestone." Bonnies says, proving the point I made in my head. I nod my up and down, humming to agree with her while Elena responds.

"Isn't it? The timing was wrong anyway." Elena says with another sigh.

"When is it ever?" Bonnie genially asks her as I stare at Elena blankly. "I'm not ready, Bonnie."

"Who is?" Bonnie says while turning her head towards Elena.

"Yeah, Elena, I haven't had a 'boyfriend' since the second grade because of what happened with Joshua." I say while trailing off pausing for a few seconds before continuing.

"And now look at me. i'm a whole different person. Pur past doesn't make our future, and time only helps us get stronger. It doesn't make us forget."

I say with a sad smile on my face, putting empathies on 'slowly' before saying, 'I'm gonna find Care before she gets herself into trouble." While walking away in the direction of I hoped to find Caroline.


The person beside me lit the candle in my hand. Thanking him, before turning to my left, seeing Elena and Stefan talking. I walk a few steps in front of me making it look like I was listening to matt and Caroline talking but I was actually eavesdropping on Elena and Stefan's conversation, I can't help it I'm nosey. O.M.G. I sound like my mother.

"What did he say about her?" I hear Stefan ask, concerned. Elena responded with.

"That she broke your heart. Stefan pauses before reassuring her.

"That was a long time ago." I feel sorry for Stefan. He sounds hurt, like he wanted to forget about this person they were talking about.

"When you lose, someone it stays with you." Elena states before continuing. "A friend of mine told me that we get stronger with time, but that doesn't mean we forget, and she's right, but there's always something reminding you how easy it is to get hurt." she finishes.

I smile to myself before I see my candle blow-out, and I go to ask Caroline to light mine back up, missing the end of their discussion.

The rest of the night I spent with Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Ty, and Elena. I brought my camera to film this precious moment. I watched as the comet passes by it was so beautiful, like 'painting beautiful'. If I could paint, this could've been the first thing I would've paint, but I would definitely buy a painting that looks as gorgeous as the seen in front of me.


I walk back into the grill after putting my camera back in the and getting my purse that contained two of my most valuable items, my phone and my lip-gloss.

I see my twin brother, my three bestfriends, Matt Donavan, and Jeremey Gilbert surrounding a table, and by the looks on their faces talking about something serious or an argument/fight is about to break.

"...shut up and help me find my sister!" I listen to Matt finish.

"Hey, what's going on?" I question, not really expecting an answer.

"We'll fill you in when we are checking around the grill." Caroline replied while grabbing my bicep, dragging me towards the women's restroom with Bonnie in front of us.

She and Bonnie caught me up with the stuff I had missed, being out in the car. So apparently, Jeremy came in asking for Vicki. She got released from the hospital and was allowed to work after having a wild animal bite her in the neck.

I also knew, along with nearly everyone else in Mystic Falls, that Vicki did a lot of drugs, so she might have took drugs again from her own stash or the doctors might've giving her meds to take for the pain. She might've also been kidnapped due to her weakened state, on drugs in the in the woods (i would know), or got lost due to being out to early and could've broken her stiches and lost more blood then before.

Jeremey also slept with Vicki. Which is EWWW because Vicki is also or was sleeping with my brother. And Jeremey's also selling drugs. So I missed a lot, for only being gone 5-7 minutes. Woah.


They found Vicki, and she ripped open her stitches. Matt was helping her get cleaned up as me, Bonnie, and Caroline were sitting on a booth in view of Matt and Vicki. We see Stefan walk up to them as Matt starts saying something to him.

"Ugh, so much drama. Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?" Care groans out while giving the Donavans a glare.

"I never knew that the Caroline Forbes would moan about there being 'so much drama'. I say, turning my head to her with a chuckle.

We all laugh just before Stefan walks up to us, stopping the laughter. "Excuse me. Hi." He says butting in the conversation.

"Hi," we all answer in a kind of tired tone. "Have you guys seen Elena?" He asks.

"I think she went home." Bonnie states while looking around a bit to make sure she was right.Stefan starts nodding before walking away. I pull out my before putting my hand out, stopping him from walking away.

"Look, Stefan, I think you're a great guy, and I'm giving you Elenas' number thinking this." I say while writing my best friends number on a napkin with a pen that bonnie gave me.

"My numbers there to if I wrote her number down wrong." Stefan turns his body back around with a thanking smile.

"She's big on texting and telling her I said so." Bonnie says before taking the pen from my hands and writing down Elenas' e-mail as well.

"Thank you, guys." Stefan says while reaching for the napkin in Bonnie's hand.

This magical moment was interrupted by Bonnie gasping for air as she opened her eyes shockingly. She pulls her hand back from Stefans, while me and Caroline move our eyes between him and Bonnie.

"You okay?" Stefan asks politely and is concerned.

"What happened to you? That was so rude. I'm sorry, excuse me." She looked frightened while breaking out of her trace.

"Yeah, she kinda wigs out. It's her thing." Care says trying to reassure Stefan it happens a lot.

"Yeah, I wouldn't think too much in to it-" I start before my phone starts ringing. "It's my Mother sorry I have to take this. Bye, Stefan. hope to see you soon." I say with a smile while walking away as Stefan says.

"Yeah, thank you again."

Long chapter
Words: 1254

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