17. One break would be AMAZING

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I was awoken, by Tyler shaking my shoulders again. I groan once more in annoyance. "What?" He stops shaking me and explains.

"I'm gonna go to Donavans house. Are you coming up? The doctors said you'll be fine." I widened my eyes as he continued to speak and re-tie up my hair. Memories of the night Vicki died filled my mind.

Chills covered my entire body. "Uh no, my head still hurts. I think I might stay here for the rest of the night." I lie, closing my eyes, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Yeah, sure call me if you need anything." He closed the door after kissing my forehead. I smiled but then I remembered that my phone was crushed and I needed to get out of here. I got up and changed into different clothes. And went up to the front desk.

"Hey, my brother just went out to the car, and he said I'm allowed to leave?" I put my purse on the desk as I spoke to the lady.

"Umm, what's your name?" She looked up at me for a split second before returning to her computer.

"Julia Lockwood. Room 12. I had a head injury, but I'm fine now." I look at her screen as she typed in my information.

"Here is your prescription. You had a concussion, and take your time. Your bill will be sent in the mail. Is your address the same?" She hands me a sheet of paper with my prescription.

"Yeah, it's still the same. Can I go? My brother is waiting in the car." I lie too her, since I'm literally leaving without Ty.

"Are you sure you're okay with going out now? It pretty late." She looks up at me and crosses her arms.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, thanks." I shove the papers in my purse, and thank her. I let out a sigh after I reached the exit, "I hate hospitals." I whisper to myself, walking towards the pharmacy to grab my prescription.

As soon as i walked into the pharmacy, I handed the lady at the counter my prescription. "Julia?" A voice sounded from behind me. I turned to see Sophie Johnson with a bottle of cough syrup in her hand.

"Hey, Sophie! I'm not in trouble, am I?" I jokingly ask her. Thanking the lady, Joanne, at the front desk for my medicine.

"No, of course not. I'm here because Madison has the flu, and I'm kind of getting it now, so don't be surprised if I'm not at work tomorrow." She laughs at herself, I could hear the slight 'nasalness' in her voice, suggesting a cold coming her way.

"Well, I'm not sure if I'll even be in tomorrow either. I fell during the storm yesterday. Had a concussion, but I'm good now. Just a little medicine and some sleep, I'll be good as new by the morning." I reassured her that I was fine when her eyes widened, as if she was electrocuted awake.

"Julia, I had no idea. If you need anything just ask. And don't take all those pills, please. I helped you by not telling anyone the first time, but I told you I wouldn't do it again." I swallow hard as she looks me dead in the eye. She was the one who got me off of drugs and basically built my life back up when offering me a job. "Be safe. I better get home before Madison wakes up and notices I'm gone."

She waves goodbye, and I do the same. I look at the pills in the brown paper bag and wonder what to do.
I used to take ADHD medication, which my 'doctors' at anger management classes gave me, to help keep me calm during the day. But when Sophie got me off the drugs I was on when Joshua entered my life, I stopped taking them. I told my mother that I was still taking them, but they were sleeping pills.
And when I stopped taking them (cause I feared another addiction), I completely stopped all medicine.

I sigh, shaking off the feeling of fear. I was going to take the medicine like a normal person, and then stop, like a normal person. I hated the feeling of weaknesses. That's the reason I didn't want to be in the hospital in the first place. To take my mind off of things, I went to the 24/7 mall. I was getting a new phone to just completely scrap the idea of insurance. I wanted an upgrade anyway, I've had that phone since I was 12. It was outdated and kept malfunctioning all the time.

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