12. Getting ready to Dance!

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I stayed up all last night to finish my assignment. 3 energy drinks, 5000+ words, five full pages back and front, lots of anxiety, and a sickening amount of reading, I finally finished and managed to get three hours of sleep. Elena filled me in on the drama I missed being asleep. 1. Damon nearly died, but her and Lexi stopped it. 2. Lexi is now off living her best non-sun life with her now vampire boyfriend. 3. She's adopted.

Let's just say last night's phone talk was crazy, Stefan was there too. He filled me in on the parts Elena didn't while she went to pay for pizza. I also told him about Lexi and how she helped me, and then I embarrassed myself by kissing her hand. He laughed it off, and then I had to get off and finish my assignment.

When I got to school, Elena asked if I had enough vervain and that she was giving some to Caroline, so I didn't have to worry about getting some more from Stefan.

"No occasion." Elena states to Caroline as we sat down on one of the benches outside of the school.
"A lesbian-friend necklace cause we're freaky like that?" Caroline winked at the both of us.
I was biting my nails at the thought of my assignment. It wasn't like I cared what Mr. Saltzman thought it was because she tried really hard, and maybe she cared a bit of what Mr. Saltzman thought. He was probably reading it as we spoke.

"I'm with Stefan now. Matt has to understand that. He knows he has to move on." Elena, let's Caroline know.
I zoned out, so i didn't know what they were talking about. Caroline just nodded in response. I checked my watch to see the time, and I was told to meet Mr. Saltzman at 14:00, and that was in 3 minutes, so I get up and hope for the best.

I lightly knock on my history classroom door. "Mr. Saltzman?" I walk up to his desk and see him with my paper in his hands. My leg unconsciously bopping up and down, and I sat on the desk chair in front of the desk.

"This paper is fantastic. You did a great job. You don't always have to do 3000+ words all the time. I went back on other ones, and I noticed a pattern. You don't always have to be out there. You did your best, that's all that matters." He compliments me but also puts me in place.

"Thanks, Mr. Saltzman. It means a lot." I say thankfully, with a smile hiding my disappointment of only getting a 'B+'
"I should probably get going, I have to meet my friends at the grill. See ya." I wave and walk towards the door with my paper in hand. "Hey Julia, if you want to talk about anything, I'm always here." He gives me a nod and goes back to his journal reading.


Elena caught up with Bonnie on all the vampire/ family drama. She hadn't talked to Jenna properly since she found out she was adopted.
"And how do you know all of this it happened yesterday?" Bonnie questions me taking a sip of lemonade from her glass.
"Last night, I called Stefan to see if he could help with my assignment, Mr. Saltz gave me, you know, cause Stefan knows a lot of historical facts. Elena was there, and she filled me in  on it."

I pointed to the brunette across from me and Bonnie while talking about her. Elena and Bonnie just nod. "Okay." Elena has had annoyed expression on her face ever since Bonnie brought up Jenna.

"Elena, you just found out your boyfriend is a vampire. Unless your birth parents are aliens, how bad can it be?" Elena gives Bonnie a soft smile at her words. "Okay, I've got to go to the store. My outfit is serverly lacking accessories." Elena sits up, grabbing her jacket and bag.
"Okay, I've got the bill." Me and Bonnie say at the same time. We look at each other challengingly, "Thanks, guys, see you later." Elena leaves the grill happily.

"No, I've got it, Bon." I say, grabbing my wallet, pulling out a twenty. "No, I do!" She stops my hand from taking out the money. "Okay, fine, let's split it." I reach for the ten in my wallet this time. "Yeah, that seems like the best. I'll go up." She says, eyeing the bartender. "Okay! Go get him, girl!" I teased her, handing the ten dollar note over. She rolls her eyes, skipping over to the bar.

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