10. Daddy issues.

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Walking in the hallway with three travel mugs of coffee in my hands, Jenna and Elena were talking about how Jeremy was drawing again. "Love that Tyler used to draw while I scribbled when we were younger. Jeremy used to say mine were so much better than his, even though his are masterpieces." I hand them a coffee each while talking. Elena takes a second to take the coffee from my hands. "You and Stefan?" Jenna asks Elena to see her on her phone. I give Elena a sad smile as she tells Jenna about her current relationship status.

I smirk to myself as Elena opens the door, saying, " I stopped asking questions. The answers get scary." Us trio walk out with our coffees in our hands. "Yours leaves mine returns." Jenna said, annoyed. "Logan?" I make a disgusted face, "Don't even say his name. The thought of him makes me wanna throw up." I dramatically put my hand over my mouth.

Jenna nods, agreeing with me. "I didn't let him pass the front door." We walk along the driveway as we talk.
"I hoped you slammed the door in his face." Elena basically reads my mind. "Medium slam." Jenna clarified. "Still a slam." I say, drinking some of my delicious coffee. "Exactly. No more Logan 'Scum' Fell." Al of us walk along the sidewalk as she says so.


I walk the hallway and groan as I see loads of flyers for 'Careers night'
"Why dies it have to be career night?" I say, walking to my locker next to Bonnie and Elena. They ignored me and started talking about vampires. Deciding to myself that I wasn't part of the conversation, I looked and saw Caroline talking to Matt. Once she's done talking to him, she squeals and skips over to me. I open my locker, pulling out my English and science books out of it.

"So, what's going on with you and Matt?" I questioned her teasingly. "You know, just stuff." She opens her locker, pulling out two textbooks. "Stuff. Caroline, you look like you slept with a hanger in your mouth." I smile seeing her smile. "I can't help it he makes me happy." She walks past me slowly, so I follow her. "What happened?" I walk up next to her. "Well, during my party at the grill, he brought me home, and he stayed. He was acting strange yesterday and then I exposed him about it, he didn't know what to say. But then, when I went home after Bonnie's magic trick, he was there, and we watched TV and had snacks and talked all night it was perfect." She doesn't stop smiling the whole time she was talking about it.

"That's so sweet, Care. You two seem so cute together." The bell rings just as I was talking, "See you later, Care." I couldn't help feel jealous. I wasn't jealous that she was with Matt, no. No way. Just that she had someone. That makes her smile like that. I didn't show my jealousy, I wasn't that jealous.


After school was crazy. Stefan and Elena filled me in on vampire problems. The problem is that there's a newbie vampire in Mystic Falls. I had to stay at the school since Tyler was staying with Matt and Careers Day, so I stayed in the car waiting for him. I tried ringing Caroline like 20 times. It just went to voicemail, I really needed to get her more vervain since there is a new vampire in town. I'll need to ask the Salvatores.

My phone rang, and I was quick to answer. "Hello?"

"Hey Jules, I just got your voicemails." Caroline says on the other side of the line. I could hear the sounds of her car on the road.

"Caroline Forbes. Where have you been. Are you on your way? You better not leave me here on all the day! I hate this day." I tell feeling like I already want to leave.

"No! You better not leave. I'm on my way right now. Do not leave the school." She hangs up the phone straight after that.

"It not like I have much of a choice." I say into my phone, but she already hung up, so I looked like a psycho. Being in this car makes my brain start to take over. I think about how there is a new vampire on the loose, and we have no idea who. My parents rarely came to things like this, not with me or Tyler, so I was surprised when I saw my father walking with Sheriff Forbes into the school. The sheirff was on duty, seeing as though her work clothes were on.

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