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She glanced at the ground, feeling defeated. Feyd Rautha lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him.
"Keep your head up. You're not entertaining anyone by acting like a timid sand rat," he sneered, his grin twisted and menacing.
With her deep blue Fremen eyes, she silently wished she could end him with her crysknife. Time stretched on as they stared at each other, there was some tension in the air.

"You Fremen are a resilient bunch," he taunted, trying to break her with insults. But Zurayeh stayed calm, refusing to let his words shake her.
"You filthy Harkonnens are nothing but scum," she shot back defiantly. She knew speaking out might have consequences, but she refused to let him degrade her without a fight.

Feyd Rautha lifted her head higher, moving closer with a blank expression. Had he changed his mind about sending her to the arena, was he going to kill her himself.

"Keep that energy when you're in the Arena, rat," he said firmly, ending their conversation abruptly.

He signaled the guards to take her away, giving her no time to prepare.
As Feyd withdrew his finger, she felt a wave of relief, but it was short-lived. The guards grabbed her chains, dragging her along with guns aimed at her, ready for any trouble. Feyd was nowhere in sight.
They marched through a long hall until, unseen by others, the guards shoved her into a small room. Their anger was evident, they really wanted Feyd Rautha to end her, especially because she was a Fremen

Some guards stayed outside, keeping watch. Inside, three men shoved her, making her fall hard to the floor.
"What the-" she started, but one of them grabbed her hair, pulling her up to his level and punching her on the cheek. She grunted in pain. If only she could break free from the chains, she'd fight back fiercely. But she was helpless, lying there like prey.
The men didn't hold back, kicking and insulting her, trying to break her. She tried to protect herself, but the chains made it difficult. The beating felt like it went on for ages.
Finally, they stopped, but then she heard groaning and choking. Opening her eyes, she saw two men bleeding on the floor, their guts spilling out. And the third man was being choked by Feyd Rautha himself.
Why was he doing this? He could have just left her to die.

Feyd Rautha approached her and stood in front of her while she remained on the floor, hoping maybe he had a spark of decency.
Glaring down at her, he crouched beside her and spoke in a cold tone.

"Get up," he ordered, devoid of any kindness. But she couldn't bring herself to move; her body ached from the beating she'd endured.

"Get up, or I'll kill you myself," he threatened, shattering any hope she had of him being different. She wasn't surprised; she never wanted his help anyway. He was a Harkonnen, after all.
Slowly, she lowered her hands from her head and met his gaze. There was a sick satisfaction in his eyes.

After a tense moment, she gripped the floor tightly with her chained wrists, her hair falling into her face as she struggled to rise. Finally on her knees, she found herself eye-to-eye with him, both breathing heavily.
There was a strange tension between them, as if something unspoken lingered in the air. For a brief moment, they simply stared at each other, the silence heavy with unspoken words.
Then, he stood up, waiting for her to join him. With shaky legs, she managed to stand, but stumbled a bit.

Before she could fall, he caught her, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the coldness in his eyes.
Regaining her balance, she met his gaze once more, a silent exchange passing between them. In that moment, it felt like it was just the two of them against the world, but it wasn't.

Without a word, he grabbed her chains and pulled her out of the room. Outside, several guards stood watch, and he tossed her to them.
"Take her to the Arena, and don't lay a hand on her," he commanded, his gaze unsettling as he issued the order, a silent threat hanging in the air.

The guards nodded in silent acknowledgment, and she glanced back at him one last time. To her surprise, he was still watching her, his eyes fixed on hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. Despite the distance between them, she felt a strange connection, a hint of something unspoken lingering in the air.
Turning away reluctantly, she began to walk, the guards urging her forward towards the looming Arena. As they approached, she could see the people of Giedi Prime gathering around, their murmurs filling the air with anticipation.
But even as she moved further from him, she couldn't shake the feeling of his gaze on her. He didn't turn away, didn't break their connection; he watched her every step of the way.

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