29. Cocoa Puff

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When I opened my eyes I had a weird deja vu feeling. I looked around, morning light coming through the window. It made me think of the first time I woke up here.

I heard Jamie mumble behind me. I turned around to lay toward him. He had his arm across his forehead and his eyes were shut.

He mumbled a little in his sleep and it just made me think he was so cute. He looked so peaceful I didn't wanna wake him.

Unfortunately, his phone rang a moment later and woke him. He moved his arm and rubbed his eyes before leaning off the bed to find his phone.

He laid his head back on the pillow, pulling the phone to his ear while his eyes were still shut. "Hello?"

I could hear someone chattering on the other end. Jamie was frowning, and going "Uh-huh."

"Why does it have to be so one way or the other?" He said suddenly. Before I knew it he was up in a sitting position with his back to me. "Can we just talk about it after you meet her? She will be my plus one to the white party."

The person on the other end chattered some more, and then Jamie said "I guess. Bye."

He dropped his phone on the nightstand and put his head in his hands. He mumbled some curse words I'd never heard him say before and it kind of made me giggle.

He looked back at me. "I'm glad you think it's so funny. He is so annoying to wake up to."

He was joking even though it seemed like he was also irritated. I crawled over toward him on the bed and wrapped my arms around him from behind the best I could.

He leaned his head back enough to kiss me on the cheek. "Let's have cereal. Yeah?"


He got up and grabbed my hand even though we were only walking to the kitchen. He let go of it so I could sit down at the table. I started trying to clear up some of the clutter.

I thought about the last time I sat here was not long after we had just really met. While I was cleaning up I noticed plane tickets. It kind of startled me, so I put them back under the newspaper they were under.

Maybe he didn't want me to know he was heading back to New York. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to see them...

I sat there while he pulled two bowls out of the cabinet and poured some sort of chocolate cereal in them.

"Can I wake up to you every morning like this?" He looked back at me with the cutest smile.

"Is that your proposal?" I asked.

"No, stay tuned for that, cutie."

I couldn't help but smile at him. He was adorable in the morning. He hadn't brushed his hair yet and some of it was sticking up in the back and he still had sleepy eyes even though he kept rubbing them.

I was trying to not let the plane tickets bother me, but he noticed.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jamie asked, setting the bowl down in front of me.

"Um, yeah." I suddenly I was feeling deja vu again. Like this happened before?

He sat down across from me and started eating.

"Have we had cereal together before?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow still chewing his last spoonful. "I'm sorry for asking. That was weird of me."

"We have." He said taking another spoonful of cereal.


"Eat and I'll tell you."

Curious I took a spoonful and started eating. "Okay go on."

"It was a couple of hours before you woke up and ran. You had just gotten dried off from falling in the ocean. You were tired of hospital food. When I explained all I had was cereal but I could go buy you something you yelled at me."

He was laughing about the memory. "You told me it was ridiculous all I had was cereal. You said a grown man should have more food than cocoa puffs."

"Then you said you'd eat them. So I made you a bowl and your head was hurting. I asked if you were okay. You didn't even eat, you just wanted to lay down. You went to sleep and when you woke up you ran out of here."

I closed my eyes trying to remember that stuff but it just never came. When I opened my eyes Jamie was looking at me.

"I know," He started. "That this was never the ideal way to start a relationship, but all the bad things I will make up for. I will make you happy for the rest of your life if you let me."

"I would really like that."

When we finished our cereal I washed the bowls, and he went into the other room to get changed.

I wanted to ask about the plane tickets, but I didn't want to start anything. We were so happy this morning.

"Pey," He called from the other room but walked out adjusting his tie. "Do you want me to ask your dad for permission or um, Leonard?"


"Yeah to marry you."

"Oh," I thought about that. I didn't know my biological dad that well, and even though Leonard was a part of my family now and I could see him as a dad figure. I just wasn't sure. "My mom I guess."

"Okay. Will she be home today?" He untied his tie just to tie it again. He seemed like such a perfectionist with it.

"W-what? No no. I think she would probably kill us both."

"You think your mom would say no to me?" He held his hand up to his chin making this fake smoldering sexy look. It actually kind of worked because he looked so good.

I was speechless as I stood at the sink. He stopped and looked over at me. "You could just move to Boston with me."

"Woah. What happened to the Jamie that was like 'we gotta take things slow, and you're too young' blah blah blah." I was making my best impression of him.

He walked toward me laughing. "I do not sound like that."

"You do. How many times have you said you couldn't kiss me because..." He cut me off with his lips to mine.

"Shhh. Okay, so I said those things. Pey, you are young. It kind of freaked me out. I didn't want to get either of us in trouble. I didn't want your mom to hate me, and now my dad has finally agreed to meet you. I just didn't know I was going to feel this way about you."

"Okay. You can ask my mom."

"Great. Well, that will have to be later today. I have some stuff to do, and we can meet up later."

"You're not spending the day with me?" I was actually kind of sad. I'd already caught the time and noticed I was late for school.

"I wish I could, but things." He cracked a smile.

"Video call meetings?" I guessed.

"That too." He seemed unenthused.

I decided I should really go to school even if I was late, even if I was wearing the same thing I had yesterday. I slipped my jacket over my shirt and tried to straighten out the bed head.

When he dropped me off at school and he pulled away I missed him immediately.

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