23. Wonderful

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I was totally embarrassed but I couldn't stop smiling. It was so hard to wrap my head around how he thought we were dating. Wait, is that what he meant when he said we're together? Now I was confusing myself.
It had already been a couple days since then, and I hadn't called him yet.  I wanted to see Jamie, and I wanted to make sure I hadn't dreamed up everything.
It was hard with being grounded and my phone still taken away. So I figured I would go by his hotel and see him in person.
I had something to do before I could see him though. I went to check the listing Mr. Gonzo had posted for Algebra 2 retakes and wrote it down in my notebook right under find a prom dress.
I had less than a week to prepare, and a month before my high school career was over. It felt a lot lonelier than I would have expected and it was all my fault.
I opened my locker so I could take my textbook home to study. I looked around the hall. There were prom fliers everywhere all of a sudden and non-stop talk about graduation, and parties.
I felt like I was melting into a blur of mixed emotions, and I had to get out of it. I shut my locker door, and nearly walked into Michael.
He had a small rectangle shaped gift in his hand. I tried to pretend like I hadn't seen it, and told him I had to go. He followed me outside, and finally I turned around to confront him.
"Just stop, Michael."
"Pey, I..." He looked at a loss for words.
He was making me feel bad with the puppy dog eyes. I sighed "Okay. What is it?"
He looked at me, and sat down on the stairs going up to the school. I sat down beside him as he held out the small wrapped gift. "Happy birthday, Peyton."
I hesitated, but then took the gift. "Um, thanks. You're the first person to, well, remember."
He shrugged a little. "It's because I love you."
"I know. I know." He looked away for a moment. "Can we still be friends?"
"I guess that would be okay." I sort of smiled, and tore open the corner of the gift. It was a small rectangle box, and I was wondering if Michael had given me jewelry.
Instead it was a box that said Palomino Blackwing Pencils. "Pencils? Um, thanks."
"I know it's a weird gift."
"I like it. It's a great gift." I leaned over and sideways hugged him. "I'm sorry things have been weird lately between us."
"You don't have to apologize, it's my fault. I shouldn't have been so pushy."
"You are pushy." I joked as I was pulling away and looked down at the pen in my lap now.
"You know I would be more upset if he wasn't such a good guy." Michael was looking off in the distance now, and I was trying to figure out what he meant.
"The one time I can think of that you met him you were rude to him."
Michael chuckled and turned his blue eyes on me. "I met him again yesterday. He came to Rue to eat with a woman. I about got fired going off on him. He excused himself from the table and we talked outside for a while. The woman was his mom, and they were having brunch. I lost it because I thought he was hurting you."
"I know better now." He seemed calm, and collected. "Once he figured out why I was upset with him he said he didn't intend to hurt you. He really cares about you."
"He did?" I was so happy to hear that.
He nodded and got to his feet. He seemed a little sad now. This must have been harder to do than I thought. He was talking to the person he liked so much, and I just didn't feel the same. I felt bad but I couldn't help that my heart belonged with Jamie.
He turned around a few steps away. "I just wanted to say that it's not your fault that Rain and I broke up. We were having problems way before I told you I liked you."
I didn't know what to say, and in turn he just smiled before walking away.
I sat there for a few minutes thinking over our conversation before I got up and decided I wanted to see Jamie.
Instead of catching the school bus I walked down the street a little ways and caught the public transit bus.
I had to fork over a dollar fifty in change before I was given the pleasure of sitting next to an older lady with smeared red lipstick and crazy unruly black hair. She was holding a baby doll and mumbling things under her breath. I figured she was insane.
I vowed to never ride the bus again unless I really really really had to.
I glanced up every couple minutes to make sure I didn't miss my stop. I looked down at the pencils Michael gave me and then put them away in my bag. I was glad that we could be friends.
After a few minutes I got off a block away from the Wondrix Apartments because it was the end of the route and didn't go any further.
It ended up being an okay thing because the crazy lady decided she wanted to communicate with me through her doll.
I walked slowly up the hill. I made it to the building with burning calves, and a thumping heart. I didn't hesitate. I walked in, and was greeted by cool air conditioning.
I took a deep breath. I didn't know exactly what he meant by saying we were together so I wanted to let him know that I want to be together like a couple.
I didn't want this to end and I tried my best not to think about the parts about Hollie that helped pull us apart.
Maybe he did like me after all? It made my heart throb thinking this. It just seemed too good to be true...
I was all smiles remembering what Michael said. I couldn't believe Jamie was maybe finally returning my feelings. It felt wonderful.
I was surprised to see Opal when I turned around. Her curly blond hair framed her young face. She smiled at me. "You came to see me?"
"Uh," I should tell her no but I didn't want to at the same time. Jamie didn't know I was here. I guess it could wait a little longer.
"I've wanted to show you something." She was all smiles. I followed her down the hall to the elevator. She pressed the buttons and clapped her hands. She was so weird, but it kind of made my mood a little better.
She lived on the floor above Jamie's I noticed as we exited, and I followed her down the hall. Her hotel room was bigger than Jamie's I noted as we walked in. It seemed weird that she had such a big extravagant place.
Everything looked like it cost a million dollars. Marvel vases, plush furniture and curtains, dark colored damask designs on the walls and throw pillows.
So I was surprised when we entered her room and the walls were this bright orange sorbet color, with Christmas lights strung across the ceiling from corner to corner making a giant x; casting a rainbow glow.
"You live here?"
"Uh huh!" She was digging in her bedside table where she had a picture of her and a dark haired boy.
"Who is that?" I asked.
"It's my older brother Conner. He's away at university right now." She said, but changed the subject. I didn't hear most of what she was saying.
I looked at the picture thinking so this is the Conner everyones been talking about. He looked like Opal with curly pale blond hair and big blue eyes but he was much taller.
"Here." She smiled. Her big eyes looking at me like a bush baby.
She handed me a stack of pictures. The first one was of Jamie. He was wearing a nice gray button down and dress pants, his long hair was combed back. I ran a finger over the picture nearly forgetting that Opal was there.
I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. This startled her. "What's wrong?"
"He just looks so handsome." I sniffled.
She giggled. "I figured you might want those."
I looked at each picture for at least a couple seconds each. I was wearing a pink dress and my dark hair was down all loose and wavy. It looked pretty even with the bandage on my forehead.
I laughed a little. It was so surprising. I knew we got married, Jamie told me so but he never said it was like this. He never told me how cheesy and weird, and wonderful it all seemed.
I wish I remembered it.
I guess I imagined that it was less classy? But what was I expecting. I know it was spur of the moment but at least I wore a dress. I giggled.
I had lost track of time looking at the photos, by the time I looked up to see the time I knew I had to get going. I had wasted over an hour at her place and I couldn't believe it. I got up quickly, and tried to hand the photos back. "I have to go see him."
She just smiled and nodded. I couldn't believe she understood. "Okay but I want you to keep those. They seem to make you happy."
I smiled at her. "Thank you."
"No problem."
I left with the pictures held close to my heart. I was filled with bliss and dread all at the same time. It made me feel off kilter.
I suddenly was wondering if maybe he didn't want to see me. I hadn't called him but he also hadn't called me...
I stood in front of his hotel suite staring at the 607 on the door. I couldn't get my hand to form a fist so I could knock. I was ecstatic to see him, but I was worried he might not be so happy to see me. Especially not calling first.
Then before I could gain the courage the door opened. Jamie was in the doorway. He was just looking at me.
"Jamie," I nearly broke down. I knew I had to hold it together or I would never get my point across. I wanted to be with him.
"Why are you here?" He asked. This nearly broke my heart. Maybe he really didn't want to see me after all.
"I wanted to see you. How'd you know I was here?"
"I didn't. I was just about to leave."
"Why didn't you tell me it was wonderful?"
"What are you talking about?" His tone scared me. It sounded like he didn't want me here and was aggravated. I tried to push it away but it lingered in my mind.
"Our wedding." I choked it out. It felt so far away from where we stood, and I wanted to feel it, and remember it so badly. If only he did too.
"Because we shouldn't have done it and I knew it at the time. My judgment was pretty lousy."
"Don't say that." I could hardly breathe. I didn't want him to say these things. I was worried but part of me didn't think things would go this way.
"Why not?"
"Because I like you." My eyes were tearing up and I couldn't hold back the floodgates much longer. I was out of my own mind frame. All I could think was how sad I felt when I wasn't with him.
"Peyton, can we not do this right now?"
"Why?" I was trembling with a death grip on the photos.
"Because," His green eyes looked dead into mine. "We shouldn't be together like this. We should take a break."
"I don't wanna break up." I wined.
"Up until recently you didn't even know we were together." He said plainly.
"Are you serious? You have been confusing me for weeks. First you say we're not on a date that you said was a date, then you tried to kiss me but was all I can't do this. It feels like an endless cycle of you acting like you like me and then saying you don't."
"I never said I didn't like you."
"You're so confusing, Jamie."
"You're too." He seemed irritated with me.
"You know this is all..." I tried to hold back tears forming. My eyes burned a little. "You know you never told me how the court hearing went, or explained what 'together' means. I'm tired of being confused, Jamie."
"Not right now, Peyton. Okay?"
I just stared at him and my tears escaped me.
Then I couldn't take it anymore, and I screamed at him. I knew I was being unnecessary but I was so lost in my own heart break I didn't know what to do. He grabbed me by the arm, held a hand over my mouth and pulled me into the suite.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
I just stared into his intense eyes. I couldn't speak if I wanted. His hand was over my mouth and I was pushed up against the front door. "I don't have time for this, Peyton." His voice lowered. "I'm supposed to meet with my father soon."
My heart was thumping loud in my ears with him so close. I could smell his cologne, and feel the fabric of his button down.
"Now are you going to scream again if I let go?" He asked.
I shook my head no. He dropped his hand, and stepped away from me. "W-why?"
"The whole white party. We're supposed to start planning for it. My parents plan one every year and my dad refuses to be left alone with her, so I have to go help sort out the details, and my dad said he has something important to talk about before the party. So I really have to get going."
"What do you think it's about?"
"Honestly probably about you." He was so close. He was looking me in the eyes, and looked kind of down. "He wants me to go through with divorcing you and come work for him. I'm sure this is just him trying to talk me into it again."
He moved me so he could get to the door but once he had the door open he looked back at me. "If you stay, we can talk when I get back."

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