30. A Ring

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When I got home the aroma of spaghetti filled the air. My mom asked how my girls night with Rain was and I said it was good. Rain totally covered for me.

I went upstairs to my room and called Rain to thank her and tell her about last night. She was just excited as I was. She said Preston called her when she got home last night and wanted to see how she was doing. Long story short she asked him to prom and he said yes.

When I got off the phone I sat down at my desk and looked at the drawing book Jamie got me. Everything with him just felt so good right now I almost forgot about the plane tickets I'd seen on his table earlier this morning.

I wondered if maybe he was going back already.

I tried to get my mind off it by finishing up my practice math problems. I was pleasantly surprised that I was solving them much easier than before.

I knew that in like seven days I would be taking the test that decided my fate, but I was okay with being in the moment for now. So I was all smiles when I saw that Jamie was calling me. I was so happy that mom gave me my phone back.

It felt like everything was starting to unravel in a good way.

"Hey!" I couldn't contain the cheerfulness in my tone. I was still on cloud nine from our time together.

"Hey, sweetheart." His voice was amazing. I loved how he said that. "I came to see you."

"What?" I asked. He had thrown me off. "I'm at the front door. Let me in."

I hung up in all the excitement and hurried downstairs. I was glad to see him when I opened the front door.

"Mmm. What smells so good?" He asked.

"I think Leonard is cooking."

He looked me in the eyes and smiled partially. "Where are they? Your parents."

"In the kitchen?" I glanced over in that direction. I was nervous all of a sudden. Was he already going to ask my mom? I mean I wanted him to propose in a way but I was kind of overwhelmed too.

"So they don't know I'm here then?"

"No. Why?"

He took my hand. "Let's go to your room."

"What? I said I'm not ready for something like that..." I was saying but he shushed me and practically dragged me back upstairs.

Once the door was shut behind us he leaned toward me. I backed up until my back met the door. I was a little overwhelmed still with the thought of him here to ask my mom for permission.

I mean I wanted this right? I did want to be with him. I was so happy to be his girlfriend. Things just felt like they were moving so quickly.

"I brought some gifts." He was reaching for his back pockets. "So the first thing, um, is actually really special."

He paused. "Actually let me have the ring you're wearing."

I had actually stopped wearing it because I was worried my mom would see it and ask about it. I walked over to my top dresser drawer where I was keeping it. I looked at the ring with shimmering embedded diamonds with a slightly larger one on top in the middle.

I handed it to him. I thought it was beautiful but besides being worried about my mom seeing it, I also started feeling weird about wearing a ring meant for his ex girlfriend.

He put the ring in his front pocket and then reached for his back pocket again. "First thing I wanna give you is this." He pulled out the plane tickets I had seen earlier this morning on his little kitchen table.

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