10. Wall of silence

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We didn't talk much the next couple of days. He drove me to school and would pick me up like he was my personal chauffeur or something. He didn't complain or mention the annulment, or anything. I think he was worried I'd break down again.

All I could think about was him even when I was sitting across from my counselor Mrs. Rowan. She was going on and on, and showing me pamphlet after pamphlet. Apparently I was failing math and I wouldn't be graduating if I didn't pass the class.

"I still think it would be best to apply for a couple of community colleges. Your grades have always been pretty good, so you'll be able to get grants." Mrs. Rowan shifted through her papers and handed me a couple.

She smiled and looked at me through her big round glasses. "I have faith in you, Miss. Adair. Work hard, and you will succeed."

I tried to give her a smile. She seemed way too cheery. "Come see me again when you decide on the colleges you're considering."

I nodded and got up from the large leather chair across from hers. She returned to sifting through her papers, and answered a phone call on my way out. I considered not going to math class, but I knew that was a big part of the reason I was failing it.

The other part was because of Michael, I thought and speaking of the devil I nearly walked right into him as he was leaving the class. I checked the time. Apparently class had just let out.

"Hey." He said surprised to see me.

"Hi." I said. I felt awkward. He used to be my math tutor, and my best friend since like the fourth grade. I also used to have this small crush on him before he started dating Rain. He figured it out recently, and now things are pretty weird.

I guess that's why I haven't seen him much lately.

"So, Rain said you're dating this guy." He said suddenly surprising me.

"Um, sort of." I wasn't sure how to begin to explain the whole thing with Jamie without telling them we were married. Plus I had grown to really like Jamie and I was over Michael. He'd been dating Rain a long time anyways so I was glad I was over him.

I hadn't realized I was completely over him until I just thought about it. When was the last time I thought of him like that? I couldn't remember. All I could think of anymore was Jamie, and how we were in this mess. A mess that I was kind of glad that happened.

"After that night I wasn't sure how to be around you. I thought maybe you agreed to meet to confirm our feelings for eachother. Then Rain told me about that guy and it made sense." He shrugged but seemed bothered about something.

I wanted to ask if he would help me with my math again but he was actually starting to make me uncomfortable.

I also wanted to ask what all she told him but it didn't seem like he knew about the marriage so I wasn't going to say anything about it yet. If it was going to be over soon what was the point in telling people? I was getting sad thinking about it.

"What are you talking about?"

He ran a hand through his short copper colored hair. "Remember that night?"

I just stared at him. He was making absolutely no sense. "I have no idea what you're talking about"

He grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him. "Peyton, remember I found out you, well, you know like me, or you did. I don't know anymore. But I asked you to meet me downtown on the beach."

I pushed his hands off my shoulder. He was acting so weird. "Michael, I hardly remember anything from that day, just bits and pieces come to me here and there."

He slightly tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

"I had an accident that night but I'm okay. Are you okay though? You seem stressed out."

"Well," He started but Rain walked up and he didn't continue. She was smiling and going on about the amusement park they were going to Saturday and how excited she was.

She invited me, and said I should bring Jamie. I suppose that meant she was coming around to the idea of him being in my life.

"I'll think about it." I told her. After a few minutes I made my way out. I was ready to go home. I was exhausted mentally. I was already feeling all gloomy about Jamie, I didn't need Michael coming at me all crazy too.

Besides, he was just my friend and he knew that. Didn't he? He should. He was dating my best friend after all.

I was glad to see Jamie was here waiting on me. I got in and let the familiar silence that always lingered when we were together now. I think neither of us wanted to talk about the annulment, not because he wanted it, but because it upset me that time.

I knew the day was coming when he'd have to say something though and I feared today was the day. He seemed like he wanted to say something. "How was school?"

I was relieved that it wasn't what I thought it'd be about. I was starting to think maybe I should just bring it up though.

"It was alright." I left out the part about failing math. Then it was quiet again and I was really worried that we would never get the chance to talk again if I didn't initiate it.

"Um," I started. "How was your day?"

He sighed. "It was alright as well."

I looked over at him. Why did I like him so much and he didn't like me at all? I hated that.

"Do you have school or work or whatever you do tomorrow?" I was fidgeting with my backpack zipper now, trying not to mess with my uneven bangs. I just wanted to talk about anything with him at this point. We had already pulled into my driveway and I didn't want to say goodbye.

I glanced over at him. He was dressed nice like always in a dress shirt and dark slacks. I wondered if he always dressed so formal. He seemed so business like, and he was only twenty two. He looked so handsome too and I really wanted to just tell him how I felt.

"I don't think I have much of anything planned tomorrow." He glanced at me and sort of chuckled. "Also the meetings are mostly via video call these days since I'm still in town. I graduated a couple months ago. I'll be discussing future details with my father soon. Maybe becoming part of his company."

"Oh." I just sat there. I didn't expect him to talk so much all of a sudden but I was glad that even though I think he basically just told me he would be going away soon.

"I guess that didn't answer your question. I'll be up around seven if you want to have breakfast." He said and it seemed like he was just offering because I was being a little pushier than usual today.

"Breakfast at your house?" I asked and thought about getting up at seven am. Who does that because they want to? I knew I would like to spend time with him though.

"No." He said quickly.

"Wow defensive."

"No." He laughed. "You got it wrong. You don't want my cooking. It's awful. Growing up I always had a live in cook so it never seemed necessary, and I realize how spoiled that makes me sound now..."

"I wasn't saying that."

He looked over at me, his eyes so pretty, making my heart flop around. "I know. I'll see you in the morning."

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