The Harem

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Before him stretched a bright, spacious room, and he didn't know where to look first. Directly to his left, a seating area extended from a large sofa, which served as a kind of barrier around a corner, with two armchairs, a low table, a large, flat screen on the wall, and several cabinets overflowing with things. Further along the side, Orion spotted several large windows covered with curtains, a door in between leading out to a balcony, and finally a corner where a thick mat lay on the floor, with a punching bag hanging from the ceiling and several sports equipment. To his right, next to more plain doors like the one he had exited from, was a tiled corner with a sink, kitchen fittings, a refrigerator, and a dining table that separated the corner from the rest of the room. Opposite the kitchenette was a reading corner, or small library, with several cabinets full of books reaching up to the ceiling, its own lamp, a table and chairs, on one side, the reading material was overloaded by a huge desk, on which devices of various purposes lay, some of them dismantled, with bare cables and wires.

Between the library and the corner with the punching bag was a heavy, large, wooden, studded door.

Everything in this room was illuminated by various lamps, as much electricity as Orion had never spent all at once. Lights were risky, especially in the eternal night. You only used what you absolutely needed.

And the furnishings were modern, bright, a peculiar mixture of the common room of his unit and a private living area. But much cleaner.

"Welcome to hell," a voice announced, to which his head immediately snapped.

The stunning, silver-haired person stood up from one of the armchairs and gestured to the sofa, giving him another smile. "Sit down."

Orion glared at them coldly, not holding back his rejection of this shifter.

In response, the smile widened. "Don't worry, we don't bite. At least not like she does."

The human scrutinized his counterpart, inevitably trying to assign them to a gender again. Not easy, given that the oversized sweater was combined with a skirt. And boots.

Only when the elf moved, did Orion tear himself away from the sight and turned his head to him, noticing that the redhead was also there. He had taken a seat at the kitchen table.

Gray eyes caught his gaze, the owner nodded to the sofa as well, and then turned away. "I'll get water."

Orion watched him go, his jaw tense, teeth grinding, feeling the eyes of both shifters on him. Finally, a violent jolt went through him, and he made his way to the sofa himself. Maybe he would get answers then. Information that would help him find a way out of here.

As he approached the sofa, the shifter made room and moved back to the armchair.

Orion sank onto the piece of furniture, the part of him preoccupied with pain immediately grateful and allowing his green gaze to wander restlessly around the room. He noticed how the redhead had risen and was also making his way to the seating area. Immediately, he tensed up and assessed him.

"All cool, newbie, nobody here wants to hurt you," came the words of the beautiful one. "Right?"

Silently, 'Red' circled around Orion and the sofa he was sitting on, without turning his eyes to the human for even a second.

"Right, Red?" Silverhair pressed emphatically.

With a snort, 'Red' dropped onto the other armchair and continued to assess Orion.

Who in turn stared back at him. The features of the redheaded shifter were somehow different. He had high cheekbones, a pronounced chin with a deep scar, and many earrings and piercings in the ear that Orion could see. In addition, the jacket he wore seemed to be made of black leather, the jeans were ripped, and he was barefoot.

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