A Cat's Watch

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Viv had never liked the silence. It was deceitful. Treacherous. Couldn't keep a secret. Not a single one. It betrayed Kenji, who tossed and turned in his bed, softly growling as if he were tearing apart squirrels in his sleep. Not unthinkable, given what was known about him.

It betrayed Archas, with his quiet breaths, his unsettling stillness. Archas never did anything unless given a reason or asked. There were no pastimes with him. No hobbies.

And the silence betrayed Orion.

Footsteps in his room. Shuffling. Rustling.

How long had it been? Two hours? Three?

Virion had grown tired of counting. Although numbers held a certain fascination. They were simple and complex at the same time. Predictable. And deceptive. Yet a mathematical equation was honest. Probably the most honest thing that existed in this world. Two plus two would always equal four. No matter what.

Unless it involved living beings. Then it could quickly become five. Six.

A yawn stretched his jaws, he pulled his front paws forward and placed his head on them, while letting his eyes roam around the dimly lit room.

Only a little light broke through the curtains, mingling with the small lights of the devices, a red eye on the television, one in the middle of the refrigerator indicating temperature and humidity, then the clock on the stove, which was rarely used. Usually, they received their food from the in-house chef. Either in the lounge with the lady of the house or placed outside the door. Yet there was a fully equipped kitchen.

Virion suspected there had once been one of the lovers for whom cooking was a hobby. A pastime. And to keep them happy, she had the kitchen built. That was the only explanation. Just as she had the desk brought in for Virion, with the broken casing, on whose wires he had been working until recently. Now he was waiting for a new circuit board and thermal paste. Then it would be an impressive mini-computer. Although his laptop still served him well, building something himself, putting it together, and then using it was so much better.

He had only recently discovered the physical tinkering with technology for himself. Before that, he had enjoyed coding, building central and decentralized networks—or tearing them down. But putting something together from wires and scrap with his fingers until it worked was different. Fulfilling.

That was part of her insidious game. Virion knew that. Giving him the opportunity and permission to pursue his interests, even online, something strictly forbidden for slaves, just as John having his work as a doctor, the books the elf deepthroated as if he was paid for it, or allowing Kenji to train, to play the role of bodyguard. It made them even more dependent on her. Bound them even tighter to her.

Which slave could claim to have a purpose? A destiny? Self-chosen?

Even if it was a trap.

Make the cage cozy, and the prey will never try to flee, even as it slowly bleeds out. On the contrary. It will beg for it. Yearn for it. Learn to love the hand that holds it, the chains.

Virion knew that. Knew it all. He had seen it. Knew that there were many before him. Many after him. Yet he did not resist. Yet he accepted this cage. Her. More than that. He had chosen it. Had chosen the vampire. And in return, he got this place. The leader of her harem. Was her advisor. Best friend. Confidante.

Was more than he was before.

More than a hole for his master, a pretty face, something to look at but not hear speak.

What irony, but here, as her slave, Virion was freer than he had ever been before. Than when he had been in his pack. As one child among many. As an insignificant member. And yet his appearance had always dragged him into the spotlight. Made it clear from the start what his only option in the pack would have been. To be meat. To bend to a male, hoping not to be torn to pieces by others who hated him for feeling attracted to him.

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