Solo-Act (nsfw)

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This seemed to surprise the human, for a moment, then he crossed his arms defensively, mistrust drawing deep, angry furrows.

"If you keep scowling like this to each and everyone, you'll get a few unsightly wrinkles," Virion remarked kindly.

For that, he received an even darker look, at which the shifter chuckled.

Eventually, the human hissed defensively, "Why should I trust you?"

"Because you have no other choice. I'm your only hope of getting out of here. I have my fingers in every corner of the network, and I know the layout of this castle like no one else. Except for her ladyship, maybe. If you really want to escape, you have to trust me," he took another deep sip, licked his lips, and looked at the human amusedly. "And follow my advice."

"Advice? What advice?" the human wanted to know.

He didn't immediately resist Virion's suggestion. Maybe he really had a chance. After all, he was smart enough to listen to Viv's words. After all, he knew the most about the Lady, apart from Archas, but the angel wouldn't help Orion. He probably couldn't.

"Play along. For the moment." Orion's mouth opened, but Viv cut him off with a raised hand. Obediently, he closed it again and glared at the shifter once more. "You're injured. You don't even know exactly where you are. What's outside these walls. If you try to rush out headfirst, you'll be lucky if she just catches you again. Besides the gargoyles, who wouldn't hesitate to take down a little human, the woods are teeming with ghouls. I'm not asking you to submit to her. Just to survive. Once you know your way around and have a proper plan, I'll help you escape. I promise." He forced as much sincerity into his smile as he could. Viv wasn't a sincere person. But he cared.

In his own way.

"Are you serious?" Orion asked suspiciously.

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Yes. If you want to help me, lead me. Lead me out of this forest, this forsaken place, and when I'm with my men, I'll make sure they welcome you with open arms!"

Passion flared in his words. The will to fight. To rise against oppression. Poor Orion. Poor, ignorant, innocent Orion.

Virion shook his head. "My place is here."

"With everything she's done to you? This monster will kill you!"

This outrage made him chuckle quietly again. "She will. Most certainly. But I still belong by her side. I can't leave. And I don't want to."

Orion shook his head incredulously. "Unbelievable."

"Clearly." Viv's hand shot up and brushed over the fresh bites. Under his skin, it tingled warmly, longingly, for the things that had been done to him. For more of her. "But that doesn't mean I can't help you. From afar."

The human scrutinized Viv intently. This scrutiny went straight to his bones. His dark green eyes seemed made to stare deep into them. To admire them. Orion was a damn fine specimen. Among the men, he would undoubtedly have landed in second place on Viv's to-bone-list. Just below Kenji, Virion's favorite victim, and above John. Not that John wasn't eye-catching. Not tasty, in his own way, but John was a little freak. Even freakier than the shifter himself, and Virion, though a switch who enjoyed dominance over others, wasn't nearly violent enough. Then there was Archas, but everything in him refused to see the angel in that light. He had never made advances on him, never tried anything, which for him amounted to a great concession, as the cat was rumored to throw himself at anything with a hole.

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