Moods (nsfw)

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Jaleyne led him and Lin out of the common room, along a narrow corridor into an elongated room, not as large as the harem's entertainment room, but much more crowded. In it a row stood bunk beds, not much more than cots, six in total, enough for a dozen people. A handful of them were occupied by figures that barely stirred as they entered the room.

Only one raised his head, a man with short black hair and deep-set eyes. He was thin, yet his skin seemed too tight for the skeleton beneath it. A human. Whose neck bore bite marks.

"Vali," the satyr addressed him, command in her voice. She must have been something like the slaves' leader. "There's a newcomer. Bring bedding, drink, and something to eat."

With slow, halting, laborious movements, 'Vali' got up. Yes, a human, one who was more than a head shorter than Orion. Clearly bred in captivity, scrawny, despite his emaciated frame, sharp edges protruding from every corner, he looked oddly soft.

While the addressed shuffled to a simple cupboard, the satyr gestured to one of the lower bunks. "That one's free. The boy can take it. Food is brought three times a day. There aren't many children here, but there's always work."

With that, Jaleyne seemed to turn away to leave, as he suspected, but Orion's voice made her pause. "This room is for blood slaves."

Over her shoulder, she cast a glance back at Orion. "Obviously."

More words lay on his tongue, but the satyr left, exiting the room, and the dull hoof steps receded down the hallway.

Indecisively, he watched her go, then looked at the child, who stood lost in the middle of the room, gazing wide-eyed at the other people. Blood slaves. The child, just like the others, was destined for that. Every human. Naturally. That's what it was bred for.

But why this child? Why did it have to be so young? Would they...

Orion pressed his lips together.

What would they do to Lin? Those white biters? Children... Children were part of this world. Of course. Even children were blood slaves. Unspeakable things were done even to them. Even to Lin. And he could do nothing about it. He was powerless.

So damned powerless.

He swallowed against the lump. Virion had seemed to want to protect the child from the gargoyles. But here, it would be at the mercy of the vampires. He didn't understand it. How could the shifter allow this?

Hesitantly, he approached the boy, who took a small step back, hunched his shoulders, utterly intimidated.

Orion raised his hands, causing the child to flinch again, and nodded toward the bed. "Would you like to sit down, maybe?" he suggested, feeling terribly clumsy.

By the sun.

I've never been good with children.

How had Virion managed it so effortlessly?

It seemed so easy for him to establish a connection with the child.

Probably easier when you don't look like me.

After several seconds during which the child did nothing but stare at him and tremble, it finally nodded ever so slightly and shuffled toward the bunk bed, settling onto the lower cot.

Shortly afterward, the other human brought two thin sheets, a translucent water bottle, and a tray with a slice of bread, thickly spread with something. He wordlessly placed everything on the bed and shuffled back to where he had risen from, sinking down again. The short journey seemed to have already exhausted him. Given his physical condition, it was no wonder. At the same time, he seemed completely lost in thought, not reacting to Orion or the boy.

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