15. Hurting

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Three months later

     Sanya sat staring out into nothing-ness, ever since her father died this is mostly what she does. She is nowhere near to finding Derek since he went into hiding. The entire town had been quiet waiting for the big explosion. It has been hard for everyone since within those three months, Christopher Rolan, and Carlos all died.

Cole, Jevaun, and Angel were in the living room. Angel was laying with her head on Cole’s lap. Angel’s stomach was now visible. “How long has she been up here?” asked Jevaun.

“Since this morning.” Angel answered.

“She hasn’t been to school since that day Cole, what is she doing?” Jevaun frustrates.

“Is this how you people gathered and talk about me?” Sanya asked, everyone’s head to turn. “We are worried about you Sanya.” said Jevaun.

“I don’t need your pity.” Sanya told him, walking away.

“Where are you going?”

“Out.” She simply said.

“Why do you have to be so difficult?” Jevaun shouted in anger.

“You are just one stupid boy that’s in love Jevaun, you can’t help me!” Sanya replied in anger.

“You know what, this is not going to work out. I’m tired of caring for someone who doesn’t care about herself.”

“Then why the hell are you still here? Leave!” Jevaun nod and started walking away, he stopped and said, “You are going to regret this, Sanya.”

“Is that a threat?” Sanya asked facing him, without answering Jevaun walked out.

Sanya turned and looked at Cole and Angel, they both were giving her the ‘What’s wrong with you?’ look. She ignored them and asked Cole. “Where is your car key?”

“Where are you going?” Cole inquired.

“You know well not to question me, Cole.”

“It's my car.”

“And it's my business.”

“How far are you going?”


“Fine, it’s right there.” Cole said pointing to the center table.

“Thanks.” Sanya said taking up the key.

“Babe, are you ready to go?” Phillipe called from downstairs.

“I’m coming.” Nickayla answered. They were going on their first date; Phillipe finally got the courage and asked her out. Nickayla came down the stairs slowly in a blue strapless dress and matching heels.

Phillipe was speechless but he managed to say to her once she reached before him, “You look stunning.”

“Thank you, and you are very handsome.” Nickayla said blushing.

“Ready?” Phillipe grinned stretching out his hand.

“Yes.” Nickayla said, taking his hand. They both went out of the house and went to a fancy French restaurant. It was filled with beautiful lighting, the table that was reserved for the two was decorated with red roses. “You did this?” Nickayla asked, covering her mouth in awe.

“Yes, do you like it?”

“I love it, it's so beautiful.” Nickayla said. They sat down at the table and a waitress came there, “Hi, I’m your waitress, what will you guys be having tonight?” she asked.

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