✷ 003: The Inchident.

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HIT ON ME !      by KissLeclerc
October 13, 2023 # "Pip Pip Cheerio."

ALTHOUGH THALIA'S mood was brought down days ago, she still found ways to enjoy the recreational time to herself as she spent her hours with good friends and treated herself constantly. The idea of having to go on Jimmy Kimmel's talk show royally pissed her off, but that fact was shoved to the back of her mind.

Thalia was currently out and about, walking the streets of Los Angeles after a 5 mile run, on the way back to her place. She was eagerly searching for a place to drive to for a bite to eat since she was starving.

She soon arrived to her condo and quickly freshened up by combing her hair and tossing it into a bun before she threw on a sweatshirt over her workout set.

Examining her appearance in the body mirror that lied within the living room of her place,  she quickly grabbed a banana from the counter to at least assist to her hunger along with her keys and headed back out for the day.

Going down to the private parking garage where her car was parked, Thalia decided she would settle her craving for a good Chipotle bowl.

Going on about her day, she cruised through the streets of LA as she listened to the music of one of her dear friends.

"Baby, my tongue goes numb, sounds like bleh bla—" She sang along to the familiar song by Sabrina before her ringtone blared through the car speakers, interrupting her jam session. "Fuck sake." Her mood completely tarnished.

"Oh my goodness. WHAT." Thalia groaned at Calvin. "You sure do have balls to call me again during this vacation of mine, Cal."

"THALIAAAAA! DARRRRLING!" He said with excitement as she rolled her eyes. "I have some news!"

"Do I no longer have to suffer on that hell of a talk show?" Thalia asked as she propped her elbow onto her window, leaning her head against the palm of her hand as the other free hand gripped the wheel.

"Errr.. No." He replied as she scoffed. "Then hang up." Thalia quickly shot back.

"Always quick with the sweetest responses, aren't you?" She practically could hear Calvin's smile. "You know it." Her sarcasm was loud and clear.

"Anyways babe, you have an event to attend." He told her. "Well... eventS... plural."


"AFTER YOUR VACATION. AFTER IT." He made himself clear. "The week you're back from LA! Haha Just got off the phone with my good friend Laura, you'll be making an appearance in Texas."

"TEXAS?" Thalia said in confusion.

"You're invited to the United Stares Grand Prix!" Calvin laughed as she was still confused. "What business do I have to be attending a race? I walk runways. I serve cunt for a living, I don't—"

"Thalia, babe." Calvin interrupted her. "You'll be a weekend representative for the McLaren team." He explained. "This will look good for your image! Lots of people love Formula One! America loves you! You're a rising sensation!, wait no, correct me... you're THE sensation." He hyped her up.

"It's a whole new audience getting to know your face! That's the genius of it. Thalia Tran, the face of big brands like Chanel, (who might I add sponsor them) repping one of the biggest teams in the world!"

Hit On Me  ✷  Lando Norris Where stories live. Discover now