✷ 034: Arrived.

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HIT ON ME ! by KissLeclerc
January 9, 2024 # "I'm Into That."

                  AS THE CITY LIGHTS of Tokyo came into their view below, it signaled their imminent arrival. Thalia and Lando exchanged a knowing smile as they sat beside each other on the lounging seats constructed against the windows. Their time together on the jet had been filled with laughter, playfulness, and a growing connection—a prelude to the adventures that awaited them in the bustling streets of Japan.

As they indulged in countless rounds of Uno, engaged in meaningful conversations, shared a few drinks, and even embarked on a spontaneous game of tag, the two felt their attraction toward one another deepen with every passing moment.

Hour by hour, Thalia found herself gradually opening up to Lando, revealing more about herself and allowing him to glimpse into her world as he did the same.

"He's really not so bad." She thought to herself. Her knees brought to her chest as she watched Lando look out the window, admiring the city scape and bustling lights at night.

"We better buckle in." He turned to her, shutting the window shade before standing up. "Landing soon."

"Too lazy, help." She grumbled through a laugh as she held her hands up, motioning for him to help her off of the jet couch.

With a roll at his eyes, Lando extended his arm and helped her up with no problem, effortlessly bringing Thalia to her feet with one tug. "Thank you." She smiled, not noticing how up close and personal she was before backing away.

After finding the correct seats for the landing, the two continued a brief conversation as Thalia felt herself grow tired by the minute. She wanted nothing more than to just freshen up and jump onto the bed that awaited her presence.

Struggling to stay awake, Thalia's recollection of their time in the airport was hazy at best. She drifted in and out, consistently dissociating as her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the blissful sleep that awaited her.

"Do you need me to carry you?" Lando turned to her with a smile on his face. Interrupting her thoughts as he was amused at how tired out she can get.

"Sounds nice, but don't touch me." She declined, shaking her head as another yawn emitted from her lips.

"Whatever you say." He laughed, continuing to haul around both his suitcase and hers as she followed beside him.

Luckily for Thalia, a sleek BMW chauffeur was already out waiting for their arrival. After helping the driver store away their luggage in the back seat, Lando assisted Thalia into the car, unable to keep himself from laughing at her grogginess.

"A girl needs her full 8 hours." She mumbled, earning a scoff from him in return. "That's very princess of you."

"Are you calling me a princess?" She mumbled through her closed eyes as he buckled in. "Yes, I am." He replied. "The prettiest princess." He bit down a laugh, waiting for her reaction.

"Aw, thanks!" She fist-bumped his shoulder. "Thanks, bro."

"Bro?!" Lando was taken aback by her choice of reference. "Yeah, you're my dawg." She giggled to herself, mindlessly teasing him as she was aware she obviously saw him as something more than that.

"I don't wanna fall asleep, so please keep me up." She groaned, leaning further into the leather interior of the car as the drive felt smooth and steady.

"Talk to me." She mumbled.

"Hm." Lando thought to himself. "Looking forward to our date?" He asked.

"No, not really." She smirked to herself as she scarfed down the laugh that wanted to follow after. "Dreading it actually."

Hit On Me  ✷  Lando Norris Where stories live. Discover now