✷ 028: A Night Out.

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HIT ON ME !      by KissLeclerc
December 21, 2023    #    "I Really Like You."

                  AFTER WHAT FELT LIKE an eternity of waiting, Thalia was overjoyed to welcome the presence of her newest, yet closest friends to the streets of a wintery Paris a couple days ago. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, happiness took over her body as she greeted Lily and Solana with warm embraces of excitement, ready to embark on Parisian adventures and of course, the Chanel gala.

Although it probably wasn't their first time in the alluring City of Lights, it was definitely their first time to adventure such with Thalia. Restaurant dinners reservations and back to back spa days were enjoyable for all.

Calvin wasn't new to such experiences with the model since he'd always visit her from New York, but this time around, he was beyond excited for a night out in the town, with plans to hop from bars to clubs, and drink aimlessly with his friends.

"First rounds are on me!" Thalia exclaimed as she was stood in a bar with Sol, Lily, and Calvin.

"Only because you probably won't make it past this round." Her dear friend laughed as they all grabbed their shots.

"You wanna bet?" She replied as he immediately shook his head. "Well, no!" Calvin said through a smile. "I cannot have you waking up on the front cover of People Magazine. And that's coming from both your best friend and manager." He finished as they all began to laugh, Thalia included.

"Anyways!" Sol interrupted, a wide smile on her face from the humorous argument her two friends just had.

"To Thalia!" She dedicated the drinks to her. "For..." She paused to think of her reasoning. "We wouldn't be in Paris at this current moment all together without her gala invite!"

"To Thalia!" Lily soon joined in before they all cheered and drank up.

"So, what's Alex up to?" Sol curiously asked Lily as she leaned against the bar, trying to ignore the strong alcoholic taste. "Since, you're out with us."

"Uh, I think he said Lando arrived earlier this afternoon." Lily replied as Thalia was paying attention to Calvin mindlessly drooling over a guy he saw. "So they're probably together at this very second."

"You hear that, Thals?" Sol nudged the Chanel model. "Lando is in town." She laughed, grabbing her attention.

"Why does that concern me?" She turned, curious on what Sol meant.

"He's your cutiepie." Calvin quoted her comment through a snicker, Thalia immediately slapping his chest in annoyance.  "You seriously infuriate me." She huffed.

"You just make it easy." Lily shrugged. "There's definitely something there between you two." She continued as Thalia scoffed with a smile. "Oh, come on!"

"We're just teasing you." The tennis player giggled. "If you don't like him, you don't." She bit down a smile, looking to the side before speaking again. "But you do."

"I do not!"

"Oh my god, HE'S HERE?" Calvin gasped, shaking Thalia by the shoulder as she scoffed. "WHAT— WHERE?" She suddenly turned, a laugh from him, Sol, and Lily erupting from her reaction.

Hit On Me  ✷  Lando Norris Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang