✷ 024: Another Race.

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HIT ON ME !      by KissLeclerc
November 18, 2023    #    "Flowers."

                  "THALIA." Calvin said sternly, grabbing the attention of his best friend as she was refusing to listen to him. "I don't wanna hear it." She shook her head.

"No, no, no! You are gonna hear it." He leaned forward.

"Cal, it was just an in the moment thing, I don't like him!" She groaned.

For the past 30 minutes, Calvin was trying to pry any sliver of emotion from Thalia regarding the two, very impactful videos that were uploaded today.

Impactful as in, breaking the Formula One community.

"Really?" He laughed through a scoff as she nodded eagerly, being already over this entire conversation. "Yes! I'm so sure about my own emotions, Cal!" She smiled as he shook his head again.

"What? Do you want me to be a complete bitch in front of the cameras, and give them absolutely nothing to work with regarding content for the weekend?" Thalia scolded. "What more do you expect from me? It's literally apart of my job." She paused.

"Always so defensive." He sighed, resting his chin in the palm of his hand as his elbow was propped up on a counter within the hospitality suite they were sat in.

After a hectic past couple of days, race day had finally approached. Thalia already getting fed up with Lando after day one was not a surprise, but to Calvin, it was an opportunity to make fun of her more.

And of course, the consistent teasing, whether it be from Calvin, or Lily, or even any of the drivers themselves, she got extremely annoyed by it all.

So the videos that had been posted today, were definitely not helping her case at all.

"I'm so done with this conversation."

"I love my McLaren boys!" Calvin mocked her, his voice going up two octaves.

"Oh my god." Thalia groaned as he laughed.

"Say all you want, Thals." He picked up the alcoholic beverage sat in front of him, taking a quick sip. "But, you care about both of them." He paused. "Not just Oscar, but Lando included."

"Of course, Oscar." Thalia replied. "He and I are actually friends." She paused. "Lando to me, is nothing but a business partner... co-worker, if you will." She finished her statement, a loud and breathy sigh escaping Calvin's mouth.

"The hot lap says otherwise." He chuckled. "Like why were you so handsy? You didn't have to do all that."

"How about you try being in a car going over 200 miles per hour?" Thalia furrowed her eyebrows. "And he took a sharp turn? Of course I'm grabbing the nearest thing for balance."

"Denial." Was all he responded with.

"You piss me so off so bad." She groaned, closing her eyes and massaging her temples in annoyance.

"Good." He whispered with a chuckle, taking another sip from his drink. "Maybe admit you at least care for the guy and I'll get off your back." His voice with a devious tone.

Hit On Me  ✷  Lando Norris Where stories live. Discover now