Chapter 13:When the parents are away, Dracula wil play

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Today was the birthday of Wayne's and Wanda's children, at which Dracula family was invited. Dennis was held in Mavis's arms, while Aimi rode on Kumagawa's back as they went to the party.

Although both children loved both of their parents dearly, there was one parent that was the favorite for which. In simple terms, Aimi was a daddy's girl while Dennis was a mommy's boy.

Kumagawa:[Look, I'm just saying. Putting some new numbers on the hotel's entertainment isn't a bad thing, right?]

Dracula:Well, yes. But you must see the problem when you make a sea monster jangle torches on fire.

Kumagawa:[I thought it was a great performance!]

Dracula:Of course you did. I had to employ an therapis in the hotel after the first few month since you were around.

Mavis:Okay, you two stop arguing. We're here.

As they stepped inside the grounds the party was held the parents let their children down to go interact with the werewolf kids. Mavis looked around, a bit unsure.

Mavis:Isn't this a bit dangerous? I'm not sure...

Dracula:What are you not sure about? Come on, have some fun!


Kumagawa:[Look, they have huula.]

Mavis:Holy rabies!

Mavis quickly changed her mood as she heard her husband. She hurried over to the game, levitating under the stick.

Mavis:No way...A piniata!

Wanda:Um, Mavis, that's for later. We don't want the puppies to have...

Mavis was already in her bat form, beating the piniata with a stick. As the candies fell down all of the werewolf boys stopped what they were doing.

They quickly sprinted to the pile of candies, munching on them until nothing was left. This resulted in a sugar rush, making them even more hyperactive than usual.

Wanda:...Too much candy.

Mavis:Oh no! Did I do something bad?

Wayne:This is what you'd call having a herd.

Kumagawa:[Dennis seems to be having fun.]

Indeed, Dennis was right in the middle of the bunch of werewolves, using them as a ride. That unbothered attitude that seeks dangerous situation must have been what he had inherited from Kumagawa.

However, the crowd of werewolves stopped when they were close to stepping on a white toy bunny. Seeing how the boys were having fun together and she couldn't find Winnie, Aimi decided to have a small tea party with the plush she was carrying everywhere.

The sudden freezing of the pups made Dennis to lose the momentum and be thrown forward. However, before he could hit the ground he felt two arms around him.

Looking around Dennis saw there was none other than his dad that caught him. Kumagawa set his don down, rubbing his head with his palm.

Kumagawa:[Dod you like your ride?]

Dennis:It was so cool! Dad, you have to try it!

Kumagawa:[I wanted to, once. Unfourtunately, your uncle Wayne wasn't so open to the idea.]


Mavis:Dennis! Honey, are you alright?

Dennis:Yeah! I love this party!

As they talked Winnie crashed into Dennis, getting on top of him. She quickly began to lick all over his face, making the little boy laugh.

Kumagawa:[Ah, young love. It's...Actually, I have no idea what it's like.]

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