II. She's Gone

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Po woke up by the sun shining him right in his eyes. "Stupid sun!" he said. He blocked the light from entering his eyes by raising his arm. He rose up and walked to the door. He scratched himself on his back whilst walking through the hall and into the kitchen.

In the kitchen Crane stood, pouring a cup of tea for himself. "Oh hi Crane, got some tea over?" Po asked.

"Sure buddy, there's probably enough left for you. The others will have to make more."

"Thanks Crane."

Crane smiled and walked out of the kitchen with his cup in-between his wings.

Po sat down by the kitchen table, alone. Seemed like there were still some dumplings left over since the lunch-break from yesterday, when Po went into the valley the Five probably just made some regular dumplings. He took one in-between his fingers and threw it into his mouth, slowly munching on it.

His eyes seemed to gaze into the world of fantasies.

**what was that hug Tigress gave me yesterday really for?** he thought, though he shook it off and swallowed. He lifted the teacup up to his mouth and lightly sipped on it.

"Whew, that's hot." he said and lightly smacked his tongue.

Soon, Viper arrived into the kitchen. "Hey Po, slept well?" she asked.

"Yeah, how about you?"

"Just fine, thanks for asking." she said and smiled. "Hey, is there some tea left or do I have to make more?"

"Crane only made for the two of us so I guess you have to make some for the rest."

"Ah." she said and brought out some teacups from the cabinet and placed them on the kitchen table.

"Have the others woke up yet? Crane was just here so I was just wondering."

"Monkey and Mantis are still sleeping, I think. Tigress, I'm not sure, either she's sleeping or she's training."

Po nodded and lightly blew on his tea, wanting it to cool down. He took a light sip. "Tigress' probably training, she usually does that this time of the day."

"Yeah, probably."

"I'm gonna see what she's up to. I'll come back soon." Po said and stepped away from the kitchen.

The panda walked along the hall and opened the door out of the barracks. He closed the door behind him and walked along the rocky path to the training hall, where no sound was heard.

**Huh, she's probably taking a break, or she's meditating.** Po thought. He closed the doors to the courtyard behind him and walked to the training hall itself. After opening the door he was surprised to be met by emptiness.

"Hello? Tigress?" Po said whilst holding his cup of tea. Po shut the door with his foot and walked further into the hall.


**That's weird.** Po thought. "Tiiii??" Po asked yet again only to be met by silence.

Po huffed and walked out of the training hall, thinking she had gone to the peach tree. Upon walking there, he was yet again met by emptiness.

He walked to the master's garden, beside Oogway, and into the Hall of Warriors where Shifu sat, meditating by the moon pool.

"Hey, Shifu... Do you happen to have seen Tigress?" Po asked the meditating master.

"No, why?" he said, keeping his eyes shut.

"I've went through the training hall, courtyard, master's garden, and now here and I still haven't seen her!"

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