V. Bandits

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"Wh- what? What was that? Hello?" Po asked, looking around himself. The sky was dark which in it's turn made his vision limited. He decided to grab his bag only to feel nothing.

"Wait what? My bag's gone?" Po asked, curious as to why his bag suddenly disappeared when he had it behind him up until now. He frantically scanned around his surroundings to check for the mysterious person.

"Show yourself!" Po yelled.

"Are you the Crimson Lotus??" The panda asked.

Po catched glimpse of a shadow delving deeper into the forest.

"Hey!" Po shouted. "Get back here!" he said and decided to chase the figure.

The mysterious shadow continued it's navigation through the dense forest, avoiding obstacles along the way.

Po eventually chased the shadow onto a road where he got to have a direct confrontation with the thief. Po menacingly towered over the figure, seeming to be nothing more than a wolf.

"Give me back my bag." Po ordered and reached out a paw.


"No? I don't think I will take no for an answer. Hand me it, now."

The bandit tried to escape but Po simply caught it's tail.

"Give me it, now."

The wolf gave in and handed Po his bag.

Po, finally content with having his bag back, started questioning the wolf. "Why are you out stealing stuff?" Po asked, checking through his bag.

"I-I had a tough childhood.. okay?"

"Tough childhood huh? So have I, and now I'm the Dragon Warrior."

The wolf nodded and looked at the ground. "I know, I'm worthless and I have nothing to live up fo-"

"Shut up." Po said. "Don't go down on yourself. It only gets worse."

The wolf looked up at the panda.

"Believe me, I've been in the same spot." Po said. "Now, can you be kind to guide me to your leader or are you a lone-wolf?"

The bandit was suddenly grabbed by something, catching Po off guard.

"Where did you go?!" Po yelled.

No answer.

Rustling was heard further away by some bushes. Po, deciding not to waste time, headed straight for it. The bush shook a little and two figures came running out of it, though one seemed much larger and wore all-black clothes. Black pants, black vest, black hood and everything, only contrast being some red flowers decorating the vest. The just-appeared figure seemed to guide the wolf bandit along the way.

It was much more rapid and elegant with it's movements, running through the forest as if it were no problem. Po was so focused on catching the two that he didn't notice he was headed for a low twig.


The panda was out...

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Po woke up, his eyes not yet open though he could hear light muffling not too far from him. The panda opened his eyes only for everything to be blurry.

"Wh- where am I...?" Po groggily asked.

He felt a bandage wrapped around his head.

"You are with me, the bandit.. from earlier today."

"Oh yeah, right. Wait why did you save me? And who was the figure who snatched you out of nowhere?"

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