IV. Journey

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Po headed for the barracks after having received words from his friend Mantis.

He rushed through the door into his room and grabbed his bag. He searched through his dresser to put clothes in the bag, after heading into the kitchen he tucked some dumplings in there too.

After that, Po was ready to go.

The panda made sure to alert no one, Mantis is the only one who knows and he will keep it a secret.

Po ran through the Master's garden by the palace and down the thousand steps.

It was a long way to go, wherever Tigress now might be. Whether it be a restaurant or another palace, Po was set to find her regardless of what happens.

Po knew the rest of the Four were currently in the valley so he'd have to go by the outer rim. As he descended the many stairs in a rapid pace the air caressed his face. He knew this had to be done, he did this not only in favor of himself, but also for the Five, Shifu and Tigress herself. The panda navigated through the many streets of the village whilst looking out for any of his friends.

"Hey Dragon Warrior!" two young sheep said in unison both glaring in awe at the warrior in front of them.

"Hey.. kids." Po said as he tried to avoid them.

"Hey where are you going?" one of the kids asked.

"To... beat some bandits, yeah!!" Po exclaimed as a temporary diversion.

"Yay!" the kids shouted.

Po shrugged it off and ran through the remaining streets until he at last reached a bridge. The sun was still high in the sky and he still had many hours of running left before taking a break.

He sprinted in-between the many bamboo trees standing in his way, making his way out of the valley. He ran along the river flowing from the village.

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After many hours of running and many more breaks, Po reached a place by the same river which was pretty calming. The moon had replaced the sun's position as the biggest object in the sky, shedding it's light all over the forest.

Po settled down right by the river at a small open spot in the midst of the trees.

He took his bag off and let it drop onto the ground. He started searching through the forest for any wood and to his luck he did find some, only downside being it wasn't enough for the night. Po gathered some rocks and walked back to his bag. He placed the rocks in a circle and let the wooden sticks fall into a pile. The panda grabbed two rocks and tore them against eachother, causing a few sparks to fall into the pile, which in it's turn caused a small fire to brew.

Po let go off the rocks and threw them further into the forest.

Po ate a few dumplings he had brought with him on his journey.

He threw one into his mouth and started chewing on it.

**Feels good to relax for once.** Po thought as he leaned back onto his bag, looking into the forever endless void filled to the brim with stars. Each star gently blinking.

A gentle breeze went through the trees this warm night, causing Po to feel slightly more relaxed.

Whilst the small campfire crackled, Po soon found himself drifting off to sleep, a new day of exploration and search awaiting.

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The panda woke up feeling well-rested for once. No Master Shifu to wake him up, and him simply laying on the handcrafted ground from mother nature herself.

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