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December - Game in Hawai'i
location: Hawai'i

Angel think she slick. She don't know I been peeped she been staring at Flau'jae compulsively for the past month.

Hell I don't know if she know she be doing it.

Lex done already told me she feel like Flau'jae has personality off the court but we just don't see it. So she wants to get her out her shell.

Half the time we barely see Flau'jae cause she stays booked and busy.

I really just think Lex wants to see Flau'jae drink since she didn't when we was in the Bahamas and she legally could have

I mean im not opposed cause I been watching Flau and Angel and I need to see what's going on there.

Im going to be honest im not even sure if Angel or Flau'jae like women fr so this is about to be like a fun little experiment for me.

I just hope Angel don't find out im plotting like this

She won't right?

Lex suggested that we hit up this private yacht party and I wasn't opposed cause I know she got a girl she trying to go see.

Lex told everybody about the plan and everybody agreed. Only thing was we needed Jasmine to get on board about telling the coaches we'll be out past curfew.

Granted we have an off day tomorrow so im sure Coach Mulkey won't mind.

"Jas just say it's a team bonding moment since it's around Christmas and we can't see our families" Lex said

"Lex... you know that's not gone work" Jas said as she called Coach Mulkey on the phone.

Interestingly enough it did work. How the hell is a yacht party going to cure our homesickness. I'll never know cause ian even homesick IM IN HAWAI'I!!!

Anyways I was roomed with Angel and Alisa but Lex and Jas were in our room discussing the plans.

Angel put on this green bathing suit that is definitely going to make heads turn and I hope it turns one specifically.

"ANGEL!" I screamed because my god that bathing suit looks so amazing on her

I think I scared everyone in the room.

"Mani what the fuck" is what everyone practically said in unison.

"Nothing fr Angel just looks good asl, like she trying to take somebody home tonight" I said

"I mean we are finna be outside so why not?" Angel said cheesing

She ain't serious.

I scoffed laughing at her while Lex said she told everyone to come up in here.

I don't know why she said that but I immediately took the chance to ask if anybody knew where Flau was and what she wearing.

Angel looked up from her phone immediately intrigued that i'm asking about Flau'jae.

See this what i'm talking about.

I know for a fact she finna be on bullshit so I can't wait.

After everyone came we pregamed a little as Jas and Lex set the ground rules and then we headed out.

"What's the number one rule tonight?" Lex asked again as we pulled up

"Mane we outside forget them rules! we finna get lit" Jas said, clearly she already lit cause she been drinking the whole ride there

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