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November 23rd Thanksgiving
Location: Cayman Islands

We in the Cayman Islands for Thanksgiving because we have a tournament to play in.

It's kind of bittersweet tbh.

I have my family here but I know that most of my teammates don't and the one person I want here isn't here either. She's at home in Baltimore.

Also, we just had to let KP go so it's weird having to keep playing like we didn't have to just let somebody go while also talking about how we're thankful for this team.

I haven't spoke to Angel since my mama blew up on her at my show.

I actually hate that even happened.

After I left, I talked with Ameen cause I knew I wasn't going to get through to my mama and I knew not to bring it up with her cause she wasn't about to hear a word I say, in one ear out the other.

I know my mama was wrong for what she said to Angel and I know I didn't do a good job trying to deescalate by telling Angel to watch the way she talk to my mama.

I just know when my mama get like that it's best to try to get the other person to stop cause my mama won't. She'll keep going on about it a whole day later like she still talking to the person.

I wanted to talk to Angel after Ameen and I got my mama to leave but it was something about her cussing at me to check my mama that made my mood worse.

For one I was actually in a semi-happy mood to see her cause she did come to my show unannounced, even though I did leave out on her she kept her word as my #1 fan.

It really is the simple things for me.

Let's not forget about her outfit either. I can't even describe it she was drop dead gorgeous. Just the sight of her was about to make me hard so I couldn't even look at her when we spoke.

but then my mama started doing the fucking most.

When Angel let me know she wanted to explain, I tried to let her know that that I didn't want to do this here while moving out the way but she grabbed my arm which made my mama mad but when she seen who it was? Yea that sent her over the edge.

And three, my fucking stomach was cramping, that hooping to performance combo ain't no fucking joke.

Considering the variables, her cussing at me like I was wrong made me not even want to talk.

I don't agree with what my mama was saying which is what I told my my step dad. He the only one I know can get my mama in check.

I haven't really talked to or seen Angel since that night which was about a week ago.

At this point I don't even know how to talk to her about the situation. I should've talked to her after it happened but I didn't feel like it was the right time.

I have been talking to Mani and Nees tho. I'm still unclear on how Nees even found out about Angel and I but I don't even care fr.

Of course I ask them to keep me updated on Angel, they the reason I know she's in Baltimore, which is part of the reason I left her alone. I want her to enjoy her time with her family.

Mani and Nees been on my ass all week about talking to Angel but i'm standing firm on not talking to her till we get back.

I mean I might break it to tell her happy thanksgiving tho, that won't be weird would it?

Now that i'm thinking about it, waiting til we get back might be dumb as hell. I might call her later after practice.

"Flau'jae you still being a dumbass?" Nees asked me laughing preparing to shoot her free throws.

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