Chapter 15 - Preperations

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Yugao smiled at she looked at her students. At the start of her new job, she was still unsure of becoming a Jonin instructor, but after actually being with her Genin, she started to love her job. Sora had great proficiency with her sword. Although she used a ninjato, and Yugao herself used a katana, she could still teach her well. Yugao had decided that she would pass on her Crescent Moon kenjutsu style to Sora, at some point, as she believed Sora would do well with it, as she was agile, and flexible. Rimara was a great kunoichi in taijutsu, ninjutsu, and shurikenjutsu. However, the true strength of her lied in her tiger summons. She had a tiger summoning contract, which Yugao guessed was passed down to her from her late grandfather. The tiger summon, Torama, had grown a crazy amount since the time of their Genin test. It was bigger then Rimara herself! The tiger, like other summons, could speak, and the Tiger showed a high level of intelligence. Rimara would make plans, and coordinate attacks with her summon.

Naruto, however, was a bit of a wild card. Naruto used a rare weapon, a scythe. Yugao couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship of the scythe, but that wasn't the reason he was strange. The way he fought was really odd. Naruto would use large, circular, slashes with his scythe, sometimes, and other times, he used quick and precise movements. Even though it was weird, it worked extremely well. He would overwhelm his opponents, and come in with a large, finishing slash. He didn't just focus on his weapon, though. He was a ninjutsu specialist, and he already knew a ton of elemental jutsus. Sora also knew a lot, and Rimara also knew some, but the sheer catalog of ninjutsu that Naruto had, was insane, not to mention, his Uzumaki chakra reserves. Yugao figured that she should check all of their chakra affinities, to see what she could train them on. All three of her students were exceptional in their own ways, and Yugao knew that they would be great ninja in the future. She had yet to tell them about the Chunin exams, though she would let them know, after checking their chakra affinities.

"Sora, Rimara, Naruto! I need you three to do something." The three young ninja walked over to their sensei, as she gave them each a piece of paper. "You all are going to channel your chakra into the paper, to check your elemental affinities. There are five elements that you can have affinity towards. Earth, Fire, Lightning, Water, and Wind. When you channel your chakra into the paper, it's going to have a different reaction for each of chakra. If the paper crumbles into dust, you have affinity with earth. It bursts into flames for fire, and it gets wrinkled from lightning. Water soaks it, and wind cuts it in half. Now channel your chakra, and see what you get." The three Genin nodded, and channeled their chakra in their pieces of papers, one at a time.

Sora went first, and the paper was cut in half, and both halves burst into flames. Yugao nodded, and pointed at Rimara. The Sarutobi girl did the same, and the water became soaked, but it suddenly ignited, and started burning. Yugao nodded, and pointed to her last Genin. The blond added chakra to the paper, and it first got wrinkled, and sparks jolted out of it. It then became soaked, and started to fall apart into dirt. A small pile of sparking mud was left on the ground. Yugao widened her eyes, and cleared her throat. "Alright, Sora, you have affinities for both fire, and wind. Rimara, you have water and fire, and Naruto, you have Lightning, Water, and Earth. I would teach you all some basic jutsu for your respective elements, but I know that you all know a lot more then basic jutsu for them. If you need any help, feel free to ask me. I have affinities for water and wind myself, so I'm especially well versed in those elements. Oh right, and the Chunin Exams are soon! Training is dismissed, you guys can leave now." The Genin nodded, and went their own directions.

Rimara's Perspective

Rimara walked into the Sarutobi clan building, and beelined for her late grandfather's old room. Her grandfather, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third Hokage, was the third Hokage, and God of Shinobi of his time. He was called the 'Professor' because he had learned every jutsu in the hidden leaf, and he had vast knowledge on a lot of topics throughout the shinobi world. She respected her grandfather, and his sacrifice for the village. He had used the Reaper Death Seal to seal away the Kyuubi, although at the cost of his life. She had never met him, as she wasn't born soon enough to meet him, though she still looked up to him. Her goal was to surpass him, and uncover knowledge of the past, and figure out the truths to many things.

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