Chapter 4

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As the Kim family arrived home, tension hung thick in the air.

Mr. Kim angrily slammed the car door before storming inside, his family trailing behind him in silence.

Tae took a deep breath, preparing himself for what awaited him, and followed them into the house.

But as soon as he stepped inside, he was met with a harsh slap across his face, the force of it staggering him backward.

Mr. Kim: "Don't you dare think for a second that Jungkook will ever love you!" he spat, his eyes blazing with fury.

"He's only agreeing to marry you out of pity, nothing more."

Tae stood there, stunned, his cheek stinging from the blow.

Tae: "But dad, I thought-" he began, only to be cut off by his father's venomous tirade.

Mr. Kim: "Thought what, you foolish boy?" Mr. Kim sneered.

"That someone like Jungkook could ever truly care for a worthless wretch like you? Wake up and smell the reality, Taehyung. He's settling for you because he has no other choice".

Tears of humiliation and hurt welled up in Tae's eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He knew his father thrived on seeing him cower in pain.

Tae: "Dad, please...," he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Jungkook is not like that. I know he will care for me, I know he will."

Mr. Kim let out a harsh, mirthless laugh and his wife and children smirk.

Mr. Kim: "Care for you? Don't be so delusional. Jungkook only pities you, nothing more. You're nothing but a burden to this world".

The words cut Tae like a knife, tearing through the fragile hope he had allowed himself to feel. As his father's cruel laughter echoed around him, Tae felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.

Mr. Kim: "You will never be worthy of love, Kim Taehyung," Mr. Kim spat, his voice dripping with contempt.

"You're nothing but a worthless, pitiful excuse for a son."

The tears Tae had been holding back now streamed down his face as he listened to his father's cruel tirade. He felt utterly alone and unworthy of the love he had so desperately craved.

Tae: "Dad, I..." he began, his voice barely above a whisper.

Mr. Kim: "Spare me your pathetic excuses!" Mr. Kim spat.

"You're lucky Jungkook is even willing to marry you. No one else would ever want a failure like you."

Tae's shoulders slumped in defeat, the weight of his father's words crushing him. He stood there, silent tears falling.

A smug smirk spread across Mr. Kim's face as he looked at his family, who were enjoying the show with a cruel smirk on their faces.

Mr. Kim: "See, everyone?" he declared triumphantly.

"This is what happens when you don't know your place." glared at tae.

Mrs. Kim: "That's right, honey," she chimed in, her tone dripping with false sweetness.

"You need to get it through your thick skull that you don't deserve love. So don't keep your hopes up".

Mr. Kim sneered at Tae, satisfied that he had crushed the young man's spirit.

Mr. Kim: "You hear that, boy? You're not worthy of love. Not from Jungkook, not from anyone. You're nothing but a pathetic waste of space."

The Kim family turned and left Tae standing there alone, their laughter echoing in the empty house. Tae collapsed to the floor, his body wracked with sobs.

Tae: "Why does everyone hate me?" he cried out, clutching his head in his hands.

"All I want is love, is that too much to ask?"

Tae didn't understand why his family was so cruel to him. He had always tried to be a good son, a good brother, but it was never enough. No matter what he did, he was never worthy of their affection.

The words his father had spoken cut him deep. The idea that Jungkook only agreed to marry him out of pity shattered Tae's heart. He had hoped that finally, he would find the love and acceptance he had always craved.

But now, all he felt was hopelessness and despair. Tae curled up on the floor, his tears soaking the carpet as he cried out his anguish


Meanwhile, in his room, Jungkook sat on his bed, staring at a photo of Tae with a loving smile.

Kook: "I can't wait to marry you, Tae," he whispered, his heart swelling with adoration.

"I'm going to love you with all my heart and cherish you every single day".

Back in the living room, Tae continued to sob, the weight of his father's cruel words crushing him. But even as he cried, a small glimmer of hope began to shine through as he refused to believe kook is agreed to marry him out of pity.

Tae: "No, that can't be true," he said through his tears, shaking his head

"He wouldn't do this to me. He is not like my family".

As Tae's tears continued to flow, Jungkook made a silent promise to himself. He would be there for Tae, to support him, love him and lift him up.

Kook: "I'll make you happy, baby," he whispered, tracing his finger over Tae's face in the photo.

"I promise", smile.


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