Chapter 6

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As the wedding ceremony concluded, Kook turned to face his parents, eyes shimmering with tears. His father pecked his forehead and looked at tae sternly.

Mr. Jeon: "Take care of my son," , his gaze stern yet pleading.

Tae: "I will," he vowed, pulling Kook into his arms.

Kook melted against Tae's chest, drawing comfort from his husband's embrace despite the sorrow of leaving his childhood home behind.

Kook turned his adoring gaze towards Tae, his heart swelling with love for his husband. The tender way Tae made that promise melted him.

While Tae's family rolled their eyes at what they saw as unnecessary drama, they secretly hoped that Jungkook would soon grow to dislike Tae as much as they did.

Finally, after endless hugs and tearful declarations of love from his parents, Kook tore himself away. He kept his eyes lowered shyly as he and Tae made their way hand-in-hand to the waiting luxurious black car.

Being the gentleman he was, Tae opened the car door for Jungkook before sitting beside him. Jungkook immediately snuggled into Tae's side, seeking his warmth as the car drove away from his childhood home.

Kook:"I'll miss them so much," Kook whispered sadly, watching until his parents faded from view.

Tae gently stroked Jungkook's hair and tilted his face up so their eyes met

Tae: "Shh. I am here. We will go to your house Whenever you want. So, No more tears now, Ok?.

He wiped away Jungkook's tears with his thumbs before leaning in to plant a lingering kiss on his forehead. Kook shivered, his heart fluttering wildly.

Kook: "Y-you're right," he murmured, nestling closer to Tae's solid frame. He felt so small and safe cocooned in his husband's arms.

As the grand Kim mansion came into view, the breathtaking mansion resembling a scene from a fairy tale,

Tae spoke up again, his deep voice rumbling against Kook's ear.

Tae: "Welcome to Our home", whispered softly, giving Kook's hand a gentle squeeze.

Kook: "Our home" he breathed out.

Tae showed Kook to his room, now their room.

Leaning in, Tae brushed the softest kiss on Kook's cheeks before pulling away.

Tae: "Why don't you slip into something more comfortable".

Cheeks deliciously flushed, Kook gave a shy nod before turning towards the dresser as Tae left the room to give him privacy.

Jungkook emerged from the adjoining bathroom moments later, wearing a sheer silk robe that hugged the enticing curves of his slender body. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

He almost didn't recognize the glowing, radiant young man staring back at him with stars in his eyes. This was the start of something special, he could feel it deep in his soul.

When Tae finally returned, he stopped dead in his tracks, captivated by the sight of his wife draped in silk.

Tae: "G-God, you're stunning," he rasped his deep voice sending shivers down Kook's spine.

A pretty blush stole across Kook's cheeks as his heart raced up.

Kook: "Thank you," he replied shyly

Tae slowly closed the distance between them until he could trace the delicate line of Kook's jaw with the pad of his thumb.

Tae: "I know this is all new to you, but I promise, I will do everything to make you feel at home here."

Kook's breath hitched at the endearment and tender caress, his eyes fluttering shut briefly before opening again, filled with unmasked longing.

Kook: "Then I need nothing else," he whispered.

"As long as I have you by my side, I'll be home. You are my home"

Tae softly smiled and pressed a featherlight kiss on Kook's brow.


As night fell, Tae and Kook prepared for bed, nerves fluttering in the newlyweds' stomachs as they realized this would be their first night together as husbands.

Sensing Kook's nervousness, Tae took his hand and pressed a tender kiss on his knuckles making kook lovingly smile at him.

Tae; "Don't be nervous, JungKook," he murmured.

"I vowed to cherish and protect you. I won't do anything without your permission."

Kook's eyes shimmered with gratitude as he admired the caring tenderness of his husband.

Kook: "Thank you," he breathed, cupping Tae's face in his palm.

Tae leaned into the warm touch with a boxy smile.

Tae: "If you're uncomfortable sharing the bed together, I can easily make myself comfortable on the couch." he offered. But Kook didn't want that at all.

Kook: "No!" he said a little too loudly, startling Tae with his forcefulness.

"I don't have to sleep on the couch. I'm not uncomfortable." nervously smile.

"I...I want to sleep with you. To hug you. I can't bear the thought of distance between us." he blushed furiously

Tae chuckled softly at Kook's flustered state, finding his wifey utterly charming.

Tae: "As you wish, my bunny." He pulled Kook close, tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear affectionately.

"I want you beside me as well.", Whispered softly and kook blushed.

Feeling Tae's warmth and tenderness calm his nerves, Kook let out a relieved sigh. He circled his arms around Tae's firm torso, pressing his cheek against Tae's chest.

Kook: "You make me feel so safe," he whispered.

Tae: "Good, because keeping you safe and cherished is my life's purpose now," he murmured, dropping a soft kiss on the top of Kook's head.

Soon, Kook felt his eyelids growing heavy with contentment. He nuzzled his face into the crook of Tae's neck, inhaling the comforting scent.

Kook: "Mmm, you feel like home," Kook murmured sleepily.

Tae's heart warmed at the words. He gently ran his fingers through Jungkook's hair as they both drifted into the peaceful rhythms of sleep.

For the first time in his life, Tae didn't have to battle loneliness in the dark. He drifted into peaceful sleep, comforted by the warm presence of his wife beside him.


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