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This is a happy life.

Many years had passed and throughout the ups and downs the two had managed to stay together, which didn't surprise most as the two had a very strong relationship.

They had communication which is said to be key in a healthy relationship. They talked when something was wrong or bad but also they talked about the good and the beautiful.

But on this faithful day the two are being wedded which is kind of funny to Victoria as she has always been told the 'Always the bridesmaid, never the bride'

She loved wedding she loved the way everyone was happy and how beautiful everything was, so when it was finally her turn to be the bride she needed it to be perfect.

"What if-" Topanga puts a finger to my face "Shh! Everything is the way you imagined, trust me" She says before putting the final touches on my dress.

I look around to see all the lovely women helping me on my special day, Mrs. Matthews, Topanga, my mother, my friends, and many more.

A knock at the door was heard and we all turned to see who it was "It's time" A male voice said from the crack in the door "Come on sweetheart" My mother says while handing me the beautiful bouquet of flowers.

I was met at the door with Shawn, oh how he's grown. He stands there in awe at my dress "Micky-" He stutters before i pull him into a hug.

It's weird that he's now taller than me, as if he has ms switches rolls, most people would guess he's the eldest now which makes me a little sad but it makes me smile knowing that I has such a big role on making him the man he is.

"Let's go Shawnie" I say as he nods and interlocks our arms as we walk to the big wooden doors as we wait for the music to start playing.

We're giving our cue and we walk down the isle together, in this very moment i think back at how my father would joke about me and Eric getting married but know i just hope he's watching down on me saying 'I'm always right'

I make eye contact with Eric and i notice how he's started to cry as i walked down 'Hi' I mouth to him 'Hey' He mouths back as Shawn lets go of me and kisses my forehead.

The priest starts making his speech but i can't hear him as i'm too busy trying to hold in my tears "I do" I break out of my thoughts and hear Eric say "I do" I respond to the priest.

Right as he said the word 'Kiss' In being dipped down and pulled into a kiss by Eric as people in the audience starts applauding and the bridesmaids and groomsmen start throwing flower petals at us.

This is a happy life.

Eric ended up being a weatherman just like he wanted as i became a florist, and a few years after our wedding we had our first child Taelynn, his little girl.

She's an exact clone of him which makes me smile just like our son is a perfect combination of the two of us, is name is Tyler.

This is a happy life.

𝐷𝑢𝑚𝑏 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 || Eric Matthews ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now