Chapter 2

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Ages: Luffy - 7 years old, Ace- 10 years old, Sabo - 10 years old,(Y/N) -  10years old (according to a source, Ace is 3 years older than Luffy, so is Sabo. Sabo died after a year of bonding with each other.) In the real world, (Y/N) is 23 years old.

Third Person's POV

(Y/N) can't help but pull her hair due to frustration. The boy next to her was very confused on why she was doing it.

"(Y/N). Are you okay? Stop pulling your hair. Are you hurt? Does your head hurt?" He asked.

"Are you Luffy? Monkey D. Luffy?" (Y/N) asked.

"I am Monkey D Luffy. How come you've forgotten about me? I'm your brother." And boom! The shock is very visible in (Y/N)'s face.

'Oh my fucking goodness. Is this a prank? Am I crazy?' Sa isip niya.

"Slap me Luffy." She commanded.

"What? No! I can't do that! You just fell off the cliff a while ago! (Y/N), I think you're turning into a crazy woman! Huhuhu! Don't worry Ace and Sabo called Dadan! You're not just turning into a crazy woman, you also have amnesia!" Luffy started crying.

"Oh no! Stop crying Luffy!" 'Oh my goodness, I feel like a bad person for making my idol cry! Huhuhu!' (Y/N) thought to herself.

"I'm fine Luffy, I'm alive and safe." She assured him.

She approached Luffy and hugged him. The boy returned her warm hug.


(Y/N)'s POV

My God. I'm really confused right now. What is happening to the world?

After my moment with Luffy, Ace and Sabo arrived. Shit shit shit, my idols! I am crying in happiness because I saw Ace alive again.

"(Y/N)!" They shouted and ran towards me and hugged me. Oh my! Huhuhu! The ASL is hugging me! Tears of joy!

"I'm glad you're okay (Y/N)!" Ace.

"We're so worried!" Sabo.

"Shit (Y/N). I'm so fucking glad you're alive. Your Grandpa Garp will skin me alive if anything bad happened to you!" Dadan shouted.

I hugged her too. Let's hug all the characters here, okay? This is only a once in a lifetime opportunity. And maybe I'm dreaming right now, who knows?

After the incident, we went home. Wow 'home', gettin' used to it huh?

They explained what happened. I was reaching for the fruit and I missed a step that caused me to fall from the cliff. They told me that they're so scared and worried because it rocky below.

To be honest, I really don't have a memory of what happened. Or what happened in the past.

"I'm sorry, I really can't recall what happened and even my memories in the past." I told them.

"Don't worry! We'll just make new ones!" Luffy joyfully said.

"Garp will kill me." Dadan whispered.


Third Person's POV

Few years had passed.

In those years, (Y/N) is slowly gaining memories of her childhood.

The memories are about how she met Dadan, who's her father and mother, etc.

She actually tried to tell somebody about what she know about this world to help but they can't hear her.

—(Y/N's) Flashback—

I was busy drinking the juice I 'bought' (stole hehe) from a nearby store here in the Elite District in Goa Kingdom.

"Do you want to bet what will happen to the Gray Terminal?" A man said to the other man.

"Okay, here's 10,000 beri. I bet that nobody will be alive after what will happen to the Gray Terminal."

What? They're wrong!

"Excuse me mister? You're wrong! There will be people who escaped from the terminal! I know what will happen in the future!" I told them angrily.

They both looked at me annoyed. They stood up and walked away.

What the? How rude!

I followed them because they disrespected me. I'm going to smash their heads with this stick I got from the woods!

They looked back at me and told me, "Please stop, okay? We don't know if you're crazy or not but please stop talking with no voice. And stop following us."

Wow so I look like an idiot when I told them that?


While I'm walking home, my head suddenly ached.

"O-ouch!" I groaned while cupping my head.

"You will forget all the things you know." A voice whispered.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" The headache is very painful.
I felt the something run down my nose. I touched it and it was blood.

After that, everything went black.

—flashback ends—

After that incident she forgot all her memories from the real world. Like totally forgotten.

"Hey (Y/N)? Your aura is so gloomy! Cheer up!" Luffy said.

"I'm sad Luffy. Ace is leaving tomorrow." I said.

"We'll see each other soon!!"

"I guess so, Luffy." I hugged him.


We went to the shore and bid our goodbyes to Ace.


"(Y/N)." Dadan called.

"Yes Dadan?"

"Do you want to be a pirate?" She asked.

"Yeah. Of course." I confusingly told her.

"You should pursue your dream." She told me.

"But who will help you here? Who will help Makino in her bar?"

"(Y/N), we're adults y'know? We can manage, okay? Dogra, Magra and the others are here to help."

"I'll think about it then."

"Good." She said and hugged me.


Okayy!! From 395 words to 900+ words! Yey!

As you can see there are different point of views (POV). I want to try what's more understandable, if 1st person's pov or 3rd? Or maybe mixed?

I did some proofreading and changed some things.

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