Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV

Zoro saved Luffy's hat. After that, Luffy thanked him and explained to him how much he values his hat.

"Man, I'm hungry." Zoro complained.

Luffy saw a bird flying in the sky. And here comes exciting part. Since he's Luffy, of course he decided to catch the bird. He was stucked in its beak. I slightly laughed because panic is visible in Zoro's face.

I helped him row the boat faster. We encountered the crew of Buggy Pirates floating in the sea.

"Zoro! There are people asking for help!" I informed him.

"We can't stop! Jump in on your own!" Zoro yelled at them.

That's impressive. They board the ship quickly.

They pointed their swords at us and also threatened us. And because of what they did, they had a taste of Zoro's violent side. They are now the ones who are rowing the boat.


"Finally we have arrived!" I stretched my arms.


"Fuck!" I shouted.

"What was that?!" I asked Zoro.

"That's one of Buggy-sama's beloved buggy balls." The crew member of Buggy was the one who answered.

Zoro smirked a little and said "Buggy balls?"


We followed the crew members of the clown fraternity. Zoro almost disappeared several times. Every time he goes into a different direction, I always pull his shirt back to us. My goodness. All he need to do is to follow these boogaloos.

We find luffy locked up and someone planning to stab the orange-haired girl in the back. Zoro immediately stopped them with the back of his swords.

I immediately picked up the nearest sword and went to Luffy's side. I tried to slash the bars but it didn't work. The sword shattered into pieces. Lol, their sword's a bad quality.

When I looked at Zoro I saw that he and Buggy were already fighting. Welp-shit. Zoro's tactics won't work on him right now.

"Shit! Zoro!" I shouted but it was too late. He was stabbed by Buggy.

I immediately went to him but he signed'stop'.

He stood up and raised the muzzle of the cannon to face Buggy.

"Fire it!" He commanded to the orange-haired girl. And she did it.

It exploded.


The battle was tense but our team won, we are now friends with ChouChou the dog, here in Orange town. We are now traveling with Nami, her name is cute.


We have now arrived at Gecko Islands.

"Finally on dry land again." Zoro said while stretching his arms.

A few seconds later, someone suddenly shot at Luffy's feet with stones...? Is it a stone?

And there were pirate flags coming out of the bushes.

"So cool!" Luffy was amazed.

Suddenly, we heard someone laughing.

"I am Usopp, leader of the great pirates who reign over this village! People praise me and then praise me more as 'Captain Usopp'!" Said by the man who laugh. Oh my! Another idol!

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