Part 10

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As Adhirath's footsteps faded away from his office, Virendra sank back into his chair, the weight of his thoughts heavy upon him. His mind churned with Adhirath's words, each syllable striking a chord within him.

"Bhabhi se misbehave kiya?" The accusation echoed in his mind like a relentless refrain. He closed his eyes, attempting to shut out the memory of his heated exchange with his parents, of the stinging pain of their slaps. But the image persisted, etched into his consciousness.

Adhirath's voice pierced through the silence of his thoughts once more, urging him to confront the truth he had long sought to bury. "Kya karu ghar jaldi jakar?" The question hung in the air, demanding an answer he was not ready to give.

Virendra's fists clenched, his jaw tightening with frustration. Adhirath's words had unearthed a truth he had long denied - his marriage was a facade, a charade played out for the sake of his parents' happiness. And yet, despite his best efforts to distance himself from Dhruvakshi, her presence lingered like a shadow, haunting his every waking moment.

He scoffed inwardly at Adhirath's suggestion of love, dismissing it as a notion reserved for fools and dreamers. Love had no place in his world, a world driven by ambition and control. And yet, amidst the chaos of his thoughts, a flicker of doubt crept in - could it be possible that Adhirath was right?

As the minutes ticked by, Virendra found himself lost in a labyrinth of doubt and introspection, his heart torn between the familiar comfort of his convictions and the tantalizing promise of the unknown.

At night

Everyone is sitting at the dinner table but no one is talking to each other. Even Ekansh and Aakriti are sitting silent because Aakriti had not forgotten the morning's scolding and she is also angry with her mother, so today the entire table is silent.

Seeing the heated atmosphere on the table, Arvind cools the atmosphere and says to Aakriti "aree akriti beta Aaj ekansh ne aapko pareshan to nahi Kiya na agar Kiya hain to muje bata do Aaj m eske ache se kaan khichuga "

Everyone looks towards Arvind after listening to him. Everyone understands that Arvind is trying to calm the situation.

But after listening to Arvind, Ekansh pouts towards his Baba and says, "Baba, why do you feel that I always trouble your beloved daughter?"

Akriti (with a little smile) : because I am a good girl and everyone loves me more than you 😉😏

Ekansh makes a crying face and says to Anuradha, "look at Badi Maa Baba Sa, he is again taking Aakriti's side.Do you also think that I bother everyone" ???

Anuradha : Not at all, my child does not trouble anyone and Arvind, Aakriti is no less, she always does mischief, so stop taking her side.

Aakriti eyes welled up again hearing her maa sa words ...but she didn't look at her mother.

The atmosphere again became tense after Anuradha's scolding.
Devendra held his food plate tightly and threw it on the ground and stood up.
Everyone sitting at the table stands up and starts trembling seeing Devendra's anger, especially Ekansh and Aakriti because they are seeing Devendra's angry side for the first time.

Seeing the children scared, Devendra calms down a bit but says in a firm voice
"Ekansh, take Akriti to the room."
But ekansh does not even move from his place. Seeing ekansh standing at his place, Devendra scolds him and says, "Didn't you hear what I said? Take Akriti to the room right now".
Ekansh gets scared after hearing his voice and asks akriti to leave but akriti was very scared seeing Devendra's anger. She doesn't know what Devendra has said.

Devendra looks at akriti and feels a little sad that he is talking so angrily in front of his daughter. He controls his anger a little and goes near her and caressing her hair he says, "Princess, you go to the room with ekansh. I have to talk to your mother about something and I promise that from today onwards your mother Will never scold you".
He says the last line while looking angrily at Anuradha.

The tears that akriti had held back till now start falling from her eyes but she nods her head and goes into the room with ekansh.
After both of them leave, he angrily starts going towards Anuradha who was hiding behind Anamika after seeing Devendra's anger and holds her hand and makes her stand in front of himself.

He angrily shouts at her and says, "I had explained to you yesterday also that you will not talk to akriti in a loud voice, yet you scolded her, how many times should I explain to you on the same thing, Anuradha?"

Anuradha musters some courage and says in a loud voice, “We all have spoiled Akriti, that is why she does so much mischief. If I don't explain it to her now, then maybe she too will become like Viren.
Already there was less Viren in the house, now we have to bear the antics of Akriti."

Everyone was shocked to hear Anuradha's words because everyone knew how much she loved akriti and because of her sensitive nature she never scolded her. But Anuradha's behavior towards her shocked everyone.

Devendra got angry at Anuradha's words and he scolded Anuradha badly and said that you should not dare to compare your worthless son with my daughter.
After hearing Devendra's words 'My daughter', Anuradha grabbed Devendra's collar and said, "So what should I do, Dev, you tell me, I am tired of the behavior of our children. On one side, there is Viren who does not want to accept Dhruvakshi as his wife and On the other hand, there is Akriti who is always doing mischief." And as soon as she says this, she falls down and starts crying.

Seeing Anuradha crying, Anamika and Dhruvakshi go to her and held her tightly.
Devendra's anger completely disappears after seeing Anuradha crying and before he can say anything to Anuradha a loud, deep and angry voice is heard from behind, "what the hell is happening here"??
Hello amazing readers,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to apologize for the delay in providing you with a new update on my Wattpad story. Life has thrown a few unexpected curveballs my way recently, and unfortunately, it has impacted my ability to write as quickly as I had hoped.

Please know that I deeply value each and every one of you and your support means the world to me. I understand that waiting for updates can be frustrating, and I'm truly sorry for any disappointment or inconvenience this may have caused 🥺🙏

I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for each and every one of you who has taken the time to read my story. Your support means the world to me, and I'm so grateful to have you on this journey with me.

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And please give a  chance to my other story "Tangled Fate : A Royal Marriage "

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