Chapter Two: Finding Peace

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Chapter Two

"Advanced Transfiguration... History of the Dark Arts..." Matty mumbled to herself as she stacked the books on top of each other. She had returned from Diagon Alley with Hope about two hours ago and was now sorting out her school supplies that she'd need for the coming school year.

Although these books were not required for any of the classes she would be taking, she wanted to get them—and a couple of other things to study in advance.

As her seventh year was approaching, Matty had taken a lot of time to contemplate her future, specifically her future career. Staying in the muggle world, as dear as it had been to her for so long, didn't really seem like it was going to work out for her now.

Her biggest issue would be leaving her parents. She didn't want them to feel like she was abandoning them or thought that they were somehow lesser simply because they were muggles. This obviously was not the case, but she had the thought of it slip into her mind every once in a while and it always bugged her.

Working as an Auror would obviously land her in London quite often as the Ministry of Magic was located there, but it wasn't like she'd have the time to be with her parents constantly and she wanted to live in a place where she could practice her magic openly without having to worry about getting into trouble and that was the biggest difference.

The decision would have to be made quickly. Sure, Matty had plenty of time before deciding her career but at the same time, she needed to know what classes to put the most time and effort into. Professor Weasley had already given recommendations for what N.E.W.T classes were best to be in to become an Auror and so naturally, Matty wanted to put more of her effort towards them to have the knowledge she needed before the actual experience came.

And she didn't want to feel like she was missing out on something else or that these would be a waste of time if she didn't go into the profession. So, she supposed she was just a bit conflicted.

Just then, she heard her door creek open and looked over her shoulder. Her mother was walking into her room. "You've been up here for a while, what's got your attention?" She asked, sitting down on Matty's bed, curious as to why she'd been up here for so long.

Matty shrugged her shoulders in response. "I guess I'm just thinking about some stuff. Picking what classes I want to take and such." She replied.

After a moment of silence, she felt as if this might be a good time to bring up her concerns. Even if they weren't something that should concern her in the first place, she felt as if discussing this with her mother might help how she felt.

"Mum, if I were to ever take a job outside of the muggle world and decided to live far away... would you be upset?" She asked, her gaze turning up to her mother. "Or, you know, would you want me to stay?"

"Well of course I'd want you to stay," Ada replied. "But I'd want you to stay because I always want you to. I'm your mother, I'll never like the fact that you're growing up but it's a part of life. When you grow up, you make your own decisions and I understand that you won't be staying at home for forever. That one day you'd grow up into the wonderful woman we hoped you would be."

"So, you wouldn't be upset?" Matty asked again for clarification.

Ada let out an amused chuckle. "Of course, I wouldn't. Why would I be?" She asked. "Your father and I had half the brain to think you'd grow up and move back to Ireland the moment you were able to. And knowing how much you enjoy being at school—well I expected you to want to stay in that area."

It was probably obvious that her mother would pick up on things like this but for some reason, Matty didn't think she would and was surprised that she seemed to know so much of what Matty had never said before. Was this a mum thing? A skill you gained when you became a mother?

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