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Jeongin's POV

"Han do you have a death wish?" said Seungmin that he could kill him within a second.

Seungmin cares a lot about Y/N as his sister he is really overprotective, I once tried to make a move on Y/N but I was scared of Seungmin  and Hanbin liked her.. and I think
Y/N likes him back.

Oh yes right I did like Y/N once before Nabi it was just a crush nothing serious Nabi was the one who confessed to me first so I gave a chance to her because why not she was sweet and nice a good friend it's not like I had a chance with Y/N at that time cause Hanbin liked her and Hanbin is a very good friend of mine I cannot do that to him..

I chuckled and said "don't pressure her y'all."

Nabi looked at me with a furious look.

"You guys should try dating soon." Chaeryoung said

"Yeah y'all would be a great couple." Han added

Y/N was quite, she was more confused wait she didn't liked Hanbin?!

"So.. wanna try cause I like you.." said Hanbin in a straight forward manner.

"Um- what? sorry.. I didn't get it." Y/N said in a confused manner.

We all were shocked by Hanbin's words he was so straight forward.

"He said wanna try dating Y/N BECAUSE I like you." said Seungmin in a sarcastic manner.

To be honest I was kinda jealous..

Y/N was quite for a moment.


I was quite at the straight forward confession.

I thought for a while and I said

"Sure.. It's not like I have anyone." I looked at Hanbin who was already looking at me for the answer.

Nabi got from the chair and eyed Jeongin to follow her.

"Here we go again." said Yuna.

Jeongin's POV

Nabi eyed me to follow her this was about be messy I think.
I did as she wished.

She took me to an empty classroom, crossed her hands and said "Why the heck did you say 'don't pressure her' like is she important to you?! do you want her?! And what does everyone see in her!! What does Hanbin oppa see in her?!!"

She looked furious.

"What can I do she looked pressured you know Y/N is also a friend of mine so I-"

"Shut up Jeongin I don't need your excuses please." Nabi said rolling her eyes.

"I ain't shutting up you always cut me off and why are mad because people want Hanbin and Y/N to date!! You should be happy for her isn't she your best friend?! Like are you jealous of her?!" I said what I said I may look like a red flag by saying 'are you jealous of her' but she deserved it.

She looked at me and was about to shout at me and I said
"You know what?! this time I'm gonna leave you alone let's talk later when we meet up Nabi! Before that get a hold of yourself! If you don't, I think I might have to break up Nabi!"

That line must've shocked her because her face says it all.

"Ohh!! I've finally said it, Nabi if you wanna keep this relationship between us.. please I beg of you be the Nabi I met that night not Nabi I know now.. please."

She looked like she was ready to explode. but I didn't regret what I said she deserved it and it felt so good to finally say how I felt.

After I left the classroom without even looking back.

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