Your Sweet But So Bitter

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It's been a long time within William and Renatas relationship, they loved each other yet it always felt so silent when close. A few times, maybe they would love to experience something a lot more. Lust, Lust is a sin but this relationship is inseparable.

It's been a while that they have been married and engaged.

Within the household itself it was quite neat and new to them. Years passed by again, again, again, and again And finally Renata Eleanor Afton gave birth to their handsome young baby.

Michael Afton. Dull milky hair, Dull blue eyes with a dash of green, and his soft tan skin. They have absolutely. adored him since birth.

"He looks so adorable and small don't you think Will?" Renata tilted her head toward William with a smile.

A smile that told him he'd love him instantly "Yes my love, he looks so comfy on your chest. He probably will like you more."

"Don't say that! I'm sure he'd love you as well sweetie, put hope on it" Renata grinned with a smile as she slowly rested him against her cold seemly chest

"I'm so glad we get to have a child of ours, he's so adorable!" "Yes, he's as cute as you are my dear. Now get some sleep." Renata rested as William placed Michael on the bed right next to Renata.

"Oh Michael, You're gonna grow up as an amazing person in my eyes." - He kissed the forehead of Mike pushing the bed of him slowly coming toward an end.

William as he looks around the hospital wanders around the hospital and takes a break. He was so relieved finally getting a chance of a kid of his own,


"Mommy?" Michael said glancing at Renata smoking on the couch, watching the news paper from a distance, neglecting Mike. "Let me tell you something here kid"

She said in a freddy tone as she squinted her eyes staring at mike, gripping his cheeks as Michael looked at her. Fearful.

"I don't give a fucking shot about your existence. Your only living because I don't want your daddy to be - ¡qué dramático para mí el por qué! estoy enojado. So back away from me, I don't need you in my business at the moment dumbo!"

Michael as his face changed, he tried not to cry as he faced the floor. He couldn't help but cry right in front of her, his eyes waters as his tears were visible from his face.

He started to sob.

"Stop crying so much! You'll become ugly just like me. I was way beautiful until you came into my life. You ruined me michael and this is what you get in return"

"I'm sorry"

"You should be. I won't apologize"

The coldness surrounding Mike was intense. He felt a sudden guilt launched at his heart, he could feel it. He wanted to give her the love she wanted. All though she'd won't accept it from her own child.

He went back to playing with his toys, a play toy telephone, and others around him. As he started to as week Renata got up and Left the room as Mike started to cry once again.

One by one, as each tear fell down his checks, his eyes quite red and a dash of guilt in his head.

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