The 3 idiots

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Chapter 6 -  The 3 idiots

“Kenny” A voice called out as Kenny is sleeping peacefully in his bed, uninterrupted as his chubby cheeks are squeezed in on his bed Kenny undisturbed drooled on his bed sheets a bit yet disturbed the other.

“Kenny!” Mike yelled out, within a nerve signaling Kenny. He woke up in a panic as he looked at Mike fearfully. His eyes squinting, him grinding his teeth waiting for a response. There was such loud silence between the two in the room. They both wait for a moment. The room was dim, and empty in which the room was clean and stunning compared to Michaels room.

Mike spoke up

“So me and my friends want to hang out at dad's restaurant but mom won't allow me to go unless i take you, so you want to come or not? Otherwise I'm still going to sneak out and hang out with them anyways. It's not as if I care about you at all.” Kenny had to think about and debate for a while, he started fidgeting with his hands to his fingers.

“Sure, I don't mind you taking” Kenny said soundy as he nervously, looking eye to eye at Mike with his angry resting face. Yet it still scared Kenny as usual.

“Okay then, just..prep up or something-” Mike faced Kenny and slowly closed Kenny's door.
Yet Kenny was quite curious of what he should wear, it really wouldn't matter at all so he thought it was important to at least ‘dress the part’ he chose a beige plan shirt with a pocket and wrist rifles among the clothing, short comfortable unsaturated dull blue shorts he picked out as well and of course following with some gray long socks with red overused red shoes.

He quietly stepped out of his room peacefully as Mike was in front of him. “Rea-” Kenny scared and trigger accidentally fell against his door triggered by Mike himself eyeing him in a corner.
“Jesus! You scared me badly..” Kenny said. He had been bullied before but by his own brother mainly all the time around the house. Even if William didn't allow it, he would keep on doing it.



They went towards his dad's pizzeria restaurant, as they stopped they watched children running in, parents talking from the inside of the building, people at the Game Stations playing with their arcanes through the mirrors of the restaurant. Children by the age of 6 through 15 walking, running in. They both sighed for a moment and finally entered.

Screams introduced themselves. Little children giggling while eating on the tables with such on their face, while watching the animatronics Chica, Bonnie, and The main one Freddy. Singing on stage as kids gather around the stage giggling and singing along with the gang while Foxy was outcast all the time in his cave. A small stage of his own.

“Wait, where the fuck are they..?...Fuck!” Michael yelled out and walked out the building upset and angry. Anger filled his body around him impatiently waiting for them.
Kenny singled out and decided to take a seat and order pizza since it was delightful to eat. “A pizza please” He ate alone as he played with pizza a bit with smeared cheese on his chin. A warm hand was laid on his shoulder, Kenny paused as he felt the hand of someone on his shoulder. Once more, he heard a voice.

“Are you okay?” Spoke out a coffee brown skinned boy, with dark milky hair with lime eyes with a baby blue long sleeve shirt overlapped with a classic bed shirt with dim orange pants with red shoes. He spoke out gently, his voice sounded so calm and warming toward Kenny.

“Yeah don't worry about-” Kenny looked over and noticed it was one of Michael's friends. He was quite shocked to see him earlier than Mike coming here. He sighed, panicked. “Oh my God! Aren't you one of Mike's friends?!” He exaggerated toward him. “Hi Kenny!” The boy said excitedly face to face with Kenny.
“My names Simon by the way.” Simon said calmly taking a seat with Kenny.

“Aren't you going to bully me like how you and your friends do?..” Kenny spoke frightened.
Simon, shocked, took a while to respond.
“Well I don't necessarily hate you nor know you so I don't! Yet if I were to, I would feel guilty.” He said grabbing a piece of pizza from the tray

“Oh okay, I have a question. Simon.”

“What is it?”

Kenny paused a moment to think about it more instead of just saying it all. “So if you don't want to bully me then why are you even friends with Michael?” Kenny left Simon speechless.
“Well I like Mike for who he is, I personally like him for his positive attitude toward others.”
“So if he didn't have any of that you wouldn't be friends with him?” Kenny said. “I guess, if that's how you want to say it. Simon said in his way. They continued to eat the pizza peacefully waiting for a conversation.
“So” Simon said. “Want to play with the arcades in the Game Station?”

“Of course! If that what you'd like..” Kenny quite confused but yet covered it up with excitement but ended quite rapidly than expected. “Here! Let's go!” Simon said encouraging their idea. Simon gripped on Kenny's wrist gently as they both ran to the Game Station.

The area filled with plushies of the band, One of animatronics, White and baby pink themed design with red cheeks so called Mangle from afar. The area was mainly colorful to maintain a good experience for a child. They walked where the arcades were and started to play rapidly. It lasted 30 minutes straight. “Well Kenny, this was fun! Don't you think so?” Simon asked him as he encouraged Kenny to lighten himself a bit. “Yeah, I didn't expect you to actually be nice to me — I thought you were like those 3 stupid idiots, Fredrick, Mark, and of course my Brother..” Kenny said as he hid his face with his hair, twirling it fidgeting with it.

“No! Why would you think that? I honestly think it's pathetic of them to do so because you're just a child.” “Teen” Kenny corrected him. “Teen, alright. Well I'm not like them. I'm more mature than them, you know? You have to at least stand up for yourself.” Kenny blushed, “yeah Stand up” He stood up and walked with glancing at him carefully until he heard footsteps toward him. Mark, Frederick, And Mike Jump on Simon as a joke upon arriving. “Wow bro! How'd you get here so early my friend?” Frederick said. “Yeah buddy, you had to at least spend time with your looks!” They walked guiding Simon to talk to him about anything, Simon looked at Kenny's direction and smiled and stopped once again.

Kenny felt special when Simon was near him til he felt the warm hands of Mike's on his shoulders seemingly demanding. “I don't care what you want to do here, just do something.” Mike walked off in a heartbeat.

Kenny was left out yet he didn't care. That feeling of being appreciated or Special made Kenny generally happy and blushy.

He wanted to feel it again.

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