[trigger warning]

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Trigger warning -

PTSD, Child rape, murder (detailed), blood, suicidal behaviours, suicidal thoughts, suicide, illegal dealings, drugs, child abuse, psychical abuse, self-harm addictions and a lot of swear languages, if you're not into that (not that I blame you heh).  I recommend turning back now!!

Sexual content -

Degradation light BDSM punishment, forced organism, blood play, gunplay choking and rough, and no sharing between leads.


× I do not support any of the warnings mentioned above. Or actions that will be shown in the future. Nor are were they acquired in real life all of them will be self made out of pure imagination and maybe some inspiration from movie, anime, and other books ×

Before you start reading let me tell you, it is gonna start with a bit of a back story (I hate back stories but trust me it's interesting)....
And do not skip it otherwise you won't understand the story, the characters, their doings and what led to what bla bla bla. This is my 1st book  evaaa!!, So please don't judge my writing skills and my errors.
I know I'm a typo but I'll try my best (hopefully ), I'm not good at writing the big words (I'm a simple person okay), I just get to the point so sorry bout that. I hope you enjoy it! Do give feedback (will help a lot for improvement in characters and me heh).
I'm not a person to describe the whole surrounding and stuff so don't expect that to for most of the parts  so instead of coming wireting the words you may see a lot of "she/he gives me an oh really?" look" or "he/she so this is how it's gone be huh' look"(I'll try my best) just bare with me.

~Peww that's a hell of a paragraph to read before the story even started.

PS - I don't really like to write long ass chapters so you'll be seeing tiny winy ones most of the time not that tiny tho trust me.<3

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