Chapter 341 - 342

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Chapter 341 Don’t call me that

The mass economy of country S cannot keep up with the rich, so the money they usually spend and earn is withheld. Many people are like this. Yu Ao’s "sell when you give money", in It’s like a strange flower among the clearly marked prices.

There were many people stopping back and forth, but they didn't believe it. However, seeing that his vegetables were very fresh, one of the women with a calm face came forward, picked two bundles, and then handed Yu Ao a banknote, which was three times cheaper than those in the market. One of them, Yu Ao took it, raised his head and said "Thank you" in S Mandarin with a smile. The face under the hat was handsome and eye-catching. The woman was stunned at first, then blushed, and finally lowered her head and picked two more bundles. .

When someone starts it, everyone knows it’s true!

Soon, Yu Ao's cart of vegetables was sold out. Some old ladies were very anxious because they couldn't grab it. Yu Ao told them to be calm and went to pick it up immediately.

Peng Tiantian was standing at the door yawning. Before he could finish his yawn, he saw Yu Ao coming back. The car was empty. Before Peng Tiantian could ask anything, Yu Ao gave him a handful of bills and then loaded a cart of vegetables. "Dudududu".

Peng Tiantian looked at the ticket in his hand, and his admiration for Yu Ao was beyond words. No wonder domestic variety shows don't want him... This is not fun!

There are already many customers in the restaurant. Because Yu Ao live broadcasted selling meals to the poor yesterday, the news spread like wildfire. Anyway, the local station reported it. By the way, I mentioned this restaurant. Some people came here because of its reputation. To some extent To put it bluntly, Dad Yu is simply promoting the overall economic development of the entire store.

While Yao Bing was receiving guests, he listened to the "beep beep" coming from outside and then leaving again.

Yu Ao got a white towel from nowhere, put it around his neck, and played the image of a hard-working "vegetable farmer" to perfection. When everyone paid attention to their appearance and wanted to show their most stable side in Linglong Restaurant, he came up with another idea. Qijing breaks the constraints of the artist and gives people a very real and intimate feeling.

Yu Ao came back for lunch at noon. His arms were already a little red from the sun. Lin Guzi immediately took out the exclusive secret aloe vera gel and applied it to cool down. Yu Ao urged while eating: "Muzi, please apply it quickly, and more." Go sell vegetables." He took out a handful of bills from his pocket and put them on the table.

Yao Bing glanced at it and was a little surprised: "It feels like a lot of sales."

"It's a lot." Yu Ao pointed to the one with the largest denomination: "An aunt said that I look very much like her son. His son is also sensible, so he picked two bundles of vegetables, but the money was too much."

Yao Bing asked, "You want it?" Yu

Ao asked, "Why don't you want it? I made it very clear, I will never force you to buy it. " Forced sale, no matter how much you pay."

Jin Nan applauded on the side: "Niubi Niubi."

Yu Ao ran for another two hours and didn't get out of the car for the last time. When the camera looked down, he saw that the edges of his socks were red. , running back and forth under the sun, no one can stand it.

Yu Ao waved his hands nonchalantly: "It's okay."

"Yu Ao, Yu Ao!" As soon as Yu Ao calmed down and entered the restaurant, Yao Bing rushed up eagerly: "Someone has made an order, and we will reserve the table tonight!"

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