Chapter 2, Nov, 6 . 1983

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I stared at her with mad tears, if she knew why she wouldn't be doing anything, we still had search parties out in the freezing cold, and she knew where she was and who took her. She looked at me and smiled, "I knew where you were to" she said with a evil smile, I'm not going to lie I was really scared of the look she had on her face. "What do you mean?'' I asked almost trembling in fear, "I knew where you were and knew who took you, I asked him to" 

    I didn't know what to do, I just sat there staring at her, Mad tears filled my eyes. I felt like slapping her, but if she knew how to get a kidnapper then she might get someone after me. "I'm calling the cops." I said, ending the conversation and walking down the driveway. It had started to rain by the time I got where I was going, the park. I needed to think and somehow when I'm cold I think better. I sat underneath a huge orange slide where I always sat to think, I was thinking about what I was going to do and how I was going to rescue Helena and put her mom and Chand in jail. 

    I don't think she is where I was last time, but I had a crazy idea on where she is, the phenomenon we are crazy about, Area 51. But if I wanted to get there, I needed someone else, I and a couple people in mind but only one stood out to me, she has been my best friend since 5th grade, Marriane Park. 

    The next day at school I had my sixth period with her, art. It was going to be hard to talk to her about stuff because we sat next to one of the nosey kids, his name was Stephen. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the little closet that held all the extra paintbrushes. "what's wrong!?" she asked with a worried look on her face, "Helena is gone and you're helping me find her."

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