Nov 7, 1983

4 1 0

After that we went home, and she said she would think about it and text me her answer when she asked her mom, she told her mom that she would be at my house for the weekend, but that was a lie.

I was sitting in bed watching cable T.V., when I got a text. It read, 'my mom said yes, I'll be in your driveway in 20 mins.' And that was it, I had already got all our supplies, they consisted of food, walkie talkies, water, and other necessary things.

I packed our bags and said love you to my mom, she didn't care where we went because she knew why we were going, all she said was to make sure and be careful. I said I would and then headed to my front door, where Mariane was waiting for me. We got on our bikes and left. It was around a 4-mile bike ride to the train station. My mom gave us money for the train and food.

Around an hour later we pulled up to the train station, dropped our bikes and got on the train. It was about 25$ for both of us to ride, but we were also going around 200 miles south to the infamous Area 51, where we knew and hoped Helena would be, and hopefully without any harm done to her, if there was I don't know what I would do, I love her so much the thought losing her made me tear up. I missed her so much; I miss hugging her every time I get to 5th period, I miss her talk, I miss her laugh, and most of all I miss her company.

We sat in seat 12 and talked, and talked for around 2 hours, and then started coming up with a plan. What she didn't know is that I brought my sugar glider, Chewbacca with us, I carefully brought her out of my bag, she was in her harness so she couldn't get away. Marianne, who had been to my house like a million times, just looked at me with an annoyed look in her eyes. 

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