Chapter 4, Nov 7. 1983

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Really? You brought the squirrel?!" Marriane shouted, making Chewy jump.

"Well, I couldn't leave him!" I whisper-yelled.

"It's going to get us killed Charlie!" she yelled back a little louder, "but whatever, I guess."

The rest of the ride we just sat in comfortable silence. We had our plan, and it was simple, we were going to go through the vent that they had right next to the locked entrance, and then we were going to go to the same room that I was held in, and she would hopefully be there. I knew Marianne couldn't stay mad at me, she never could.

I looked out the window and saw that we had stopped in the middle of know where and I knew where we were. We were about 2 miles from Area 51, this was the only place I thought and hoped I would never see again.

Marianne and I got off the train and waved the bus driver goodbye, and then we started walking. We talked a little bit, but not a lot. We were both scared, and it wasn't hard to tell.

A/N- this is a very short chapterrrrrr, sorrrryyyyyyy 

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