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After instructing Shaurya to deal with Nitin, Akaida returned to her office, her demeanor as icy as ever. She settled into her chair, her expression stoic as she contemplated the fallout from the confrontation.

As she sifted through the stack of papers on her desk, Advika entered the room, her usually composed demeanor betraying a hint of concern. "Mam, may I come in?" she asked tentatively.

Akaida looked up, her gaze sharp and unwavering. "What is it, Advika?" Her tone was curt, devoid of any warmth.

Advika hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I just wanted to check in on you after what happened in the meeting. Are you alright?"

Advika nodded, though her expression remained troubled. "Actually, Mam, there's something I need to discuss with you." She paused, gathering her courage. "I've made a decision. I'm resigning."

Akaida asked, though her expression remained impassive. "Resigning? Why?"

Advika took a deep breath, steeling herself for Akaida's reaction. "I've been offered a new opportunity in Delhi, and I've decided to take it. My family needs me, and I believe it's the right move for me at this time."

Akaida regarded her with a cool detachment. "I see. When do you plan to leave?"

Advika shifted uncomfortably. "As soon as possible. I've already submitted my resignation letter."

Akaida nodded, accepting Advika's decision without protest. "Very well. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, Advika."

Advika's shoulders sagged with relief, grateful for Akaida's understanding. "Thank you,Mam, It's been an honor working for you."

As Advika turned to leave, Akaida said "And it's been a pleasure having you as part of the team, Advika. Your dedication and hard work will be missed."

With a nod of gratitude, Advika exited the office.

After some time ,Akaida decided to went home.

With a final glance at the papers strewn across her desk, Akaida rose from her seat and made her way out of the office. The night may have been long, but she knew that the dawn would bring new opportunities for triumph and success. And Akaida Singh Rajvansh was always ready for whatever the future held.

Akaida wrapped up her work at the office and made her way home. The drive was quiet, her thoughts consumed by the day's events .

Upon arriving home, Akaida joined her family for dinner, though her mind was elsewhere. She ate mechanically, her focus drifting as she replayed the events of the day in her mind.

Once dinner was finished, Akaida retreated to her room, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings. She changed into comfortable attire and settled into bed, the weight of the day's responsibilities pressing down on her.

As she lay in the darkness, surrounded by silence, Akaida's mind continued to race. Thoughts of work, of Advika's resignation, of the challenges that lay ahead, swirled in her head, refusing to let her rest.

But despite the turmoil churning within her, fatigue eventually won out. With a heavy sigh, Akaida closed her eyes and surrendered to sleep, knowing that tomorrow would bring a new set of challenges to conquer.

She wakes up at 5 am and After her morning routine, Akaida emerged from her room and made her way silently to the gym. With each step, her expression remained impassive, revealing nothing of her inner thoughts.

Upon returning from her workout, she headed straight for the bathroom, the sound of water cascading drowning out any semblance of noise. After a quick shower, she emerged, her movements precise and deliberate.

A Girl : One Could Never ExpectWhere stories live. Discover now