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As Akaida sat between Eshaan and Ekaksh, her brothers' piercing glares were hard to ignore. They exchanged knowing looks, silently communicating their disapproval of the unexpected guests. Meanwhile, the conversation in the room shifted towards business matters, with yug, Dev, Abheer, Krish, Vihaan and Aarav discussing important details.

Yug turned towards Eshaan and Ekaksh, gesturing for their opinions. "What do you think about this strategy?" he inquired, his tone expecting a response.

Eshaan glanced at Ekaksh briefly before answering in his usual composed manner. "It's an intriguing approach, but have you considered the potential risks involved?" he asked, his voice calm and measured.

Ekaksh nodded in agreement, adding, "Indeed, there could be certain challenges we need to address preemptively to ensure its success."

As Eshaan and Ekaksh began sharing their insights, Akaida interjected with a suggestion, her gaze steady and unwavering. Before she could finish, Yug cut her off with a dismissive remark in a loud voice. Akaida's eyes turned blood shot red but she composed herself and tried to control her anger.

"You don't know nothing about business, girl. Keep your opinions to yourself," Yug declared arrogantly.

"Don't you dare raise your voice against her," Eshaan warned, his voice low and dangerous. "You won't like the consequences."

Ekaksh's expression mirrored Eshaan's intensity. "And I swear," he added, his tone lethal, "you'll regret it."

Akaida remained composed, her stoic demeanor a stark contrast to the charged atmosphere.

Yug, taken aback by their unyielding stance, met their unwavering gaze with uncertainty. The room hung heavy with unspoken threats and lingering tension.

Every female in the room flinched upon hearing Eshaan and Ekaksh's stern voices, except for Akaida. She remained unperturbed, her demeanor unchanged amidst the charged atmosphere. The air was thick with tension as Eshaan and Ekaksh's words hung in the air, causing a palpable unease among the others present. Akaida's steadfast composure and unwavering gaze conveyed her implicit trust in her friends' protective stance.

After the tense confrontation, a sudden phone call interrupted the charged atmosphere. Akaida swiftly picked up the phone, her expression unreadable as she listened intently to Shourya Shekhawat, her trusted right-hand man for all matters related to their underworld operations.

As Shourya briefed her about Nitin on the other end of the line, Akaida's eyes narrowed slightly in annoyance. "Damn, I forgot about him," she muttered under her breath before addressing Shourya directly. "I'm coming," she said firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

With that, Akaida ended the call and rose from her seat, her brothers and guests watching her with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Akaida then turned her attention back to Eshaan and Ekaksh, her gaze intense yet cryptic. "Want to have some fun?" she asked in a low voice, a hint of mischief in her eyes. Eshaan and Ekaksh exchanged a knowing glance, understanding her implication without the need for explicit words in front of the others.

Eshaan chuckled lightly. "Sure, why not? It has been a while since we had some fun."

Akaida nodded subtly. "Follow me," she said with a smirk, leading the way as they discreetly left the room to attend to the matter at hand.

As Akaida left the room with Eshaan and Ekaksh, her family members exchanged curious glances and whispered amongst themselves. Abhir, Krish, Mayank, Hrithik, Vihaan, Arav, Nishant, and others were puzzled by Akaida's sudden departure and her cryptic mention of "fun."

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