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what are your fav songs on ttpd? mine are guilty as sin? but daddy i love him, the albatross, fortnight, peter, so long london, so highschool, basically all of


y/n age: 17

tw:// alcohol

my parents have been divorced for a couple of years now. it's been really hard lately. it's my senior year of high school. i don't see my dad a lot because he lives in london and i live in the us. i only see him during the summer. i do call him everyday i just wish i could see him face to face more often. don't get me wrong travis is a great step-dad i just which my dad was here. tonight is prom and im really excited. my boyfriend josh in my date and im also going with some of my friends as well.

"you excited for prom baby?" mom asked.

"yeah i guess" i said.

"what's wrong baby?" she asked.

"nothings wrong mom" i lied. the truth is everything is wrong. i want my dad here.

"y/n i know you. tell me what's wrong.." she said.

i took a deep breath then answered.

"i just wish dad was here. it's my senior prom and all he's gonna see is pictures of me... it's not fair." i said.

"i'm sorry baby. i really wish i could help." she said as she rubbed my back.

"it's okay. i know you tried mom and i'm deeply grateful. i guess dad was just busy.." i said. my mom frowned at me then hugged me tightly.

a few hours later i was all dressed and ready and josh was at the house now. we were taking pictures in the front and after we finished i had to excuse myself. i just needed time to myself. as i was sitting on my bed i heard a soft knock on my door. it was travis.

"y/n? are you okay? everyone's wondering where you went." he said as he closed the door behind him.

"yeah i'm ok. thanks for checking up on me travis." i said with a sad smile.

"is there anything i can do?" he asked. i shrugged.

"well i will tell you one thing. you look absolutely beautiful in your dress and i'm sorry your dad couldn't be here tonight but i know he is truly proud of the young woman you've become." travis said as he wiped the tears coming down my face. thank god this make up was waterproof.

"aww thanks trav. i really do love you. thanks for being such a great step-dad" i said as i hugged him tightly

"of course sweetie. i love you too" i said.

we made our way back downstairs and all my friend grouped up at my house because we had a limo taking us to the venue to prom. when we got to prom i still felt anxious and i think josh noticed.

"y/n? babe? hellooo?" he said as he waved his hand infront of my face.

"oh sorry. i guess i zoned out a little" i said with a forced chuckle.

"hey tell me what's wrong. we can go somewhere more private if it makes you more uncomfortable?" he said. i nodded and he took my hand and led me outside.

when we were outside i explained everything. he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and just comforted me.

"josh???" i said against his chest.

"yeah baby?" he said.

"since it's almost over can we just leave? i wanna get drunk to get my mind off of this" i said. he nodded and then we left to his place. both his parents are er nurses and they are both working the night shift so it's just me and him at his house. i ended up being the only one drinking because josh wanted to be able to take care of me.

"y/n? don't you think you've had enough?" he asked.

"what do you mean?" i asked slurring my words.

"you're pretty drunk and you've had quite a few glasses." he said.

"i'm not even that drunk what are you talking about!?" i answered back giggling. one thing j got from my mom was i was clingy as hell when i was drunk. i dont even remember but apparently i fell asleep on him and he drove me home. i awoke the next morning in my bed and my head was pounding.

"mom?..." i said. the door opened shortly.

"hey baby how are you feeling?"she asked.

"my head is killing me. what happened??" i asked.

"i figured. here's some pain killers. you decided to get blackout drunk last night" mom answered. i felt my face go red.

"i'm sorry mom. i know j shouldn't have drank anything..." i said.

"baby i wasn't surprised i mean look at who your mother is" she answered with a giggle.

"mom i don't feel that great.." i said.

"welcome to hangover!" she said. i groaned

"mom can you lay with me?" i asked and stuck out my bottom lip.

"oh okayy" she said giggling and climbing into my bed. she played with my hair and i eventually fell asleep again. i'm still upset about my dad not showing up...

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